View Full Version : advice on my thumb please!!

04-10-2012, 08:16 AM
if possible anyway lol

i cut my thumb on sundaywhen i was trying to be gordon ramsay cutting cabbage.
it's about half a centimetre down from the tip of my nail...

the knife went in about 4mm...i was saved from chopping that part of my thumb off by my nail blocking the knife. along with the pain of actually hitting my thumb!

so the cut is 4mm deep, and 2mm wide.
what is worrying me, is that it isn't closing!!

the day i done it, i cleaned, plastered and bandaged it, to prevent infection.
i checked it yesterday, and it looked as though it was closed. only today i realised it was just dried blood.
it's still open today, and there's no sign of it closing??

will it close? it would be ok if i didn't put any pressure on the tip of my thumb, as it opens everytime i pick something up or something. that's just not possible though. i use it without even thinking :(

04-10-2012, 08:36 AM
It's really hard to damage your hands.

I would advise that you go to the chemist and get some steri-strips. They're little bits of medical tape you an apply over a wound to help it seal and heal up. They're like stick on stitches.

Use betadine to clean it before you dress it. Apply a light gauze over the steri-strips and put a sticky dressing or tape over the top. Clean it and replace the dressings every day and if it isn't healing in a couple of days go and see your doctor.

Good luck, hon!

04-10-2012, 08:37 AM
That first line should have read its really hard when you damage your hands!!

They are such a vital part of day to day life!

04-10-2012, 08:46 AM
thanx for your reply :)

i was wondering how to make steri-strips out of plasters yesterday! i didn't know you could buy them from the chemist!
i have even thought of super glue - but i haven't got any anyway. thankfully, i'd probably poison myself or glue my fingers together!

thanx again. i will get some steri-strips and do that :)

04-10-2012, 03:14 PM
maybe go to the docs just to check it out, but time will probably heal it. hope it gets better!

-longliveswift xx

04-10-2012, 04:29 PM
lol kev, mine is 'what have you burnt now?' i've even managed to flick a pan of spaghetti bolognese off - just missed me :O lol

i'm just a worrier, it's just annoying more than anything else. even if it never closes, it's not going to cause me any serious harm. why ive been worrying about it is beyond me ha
i will go to the doctors in a few days no doubt if it hasn't sorted it's head out!

it's not really hurting anymore - ever since i took the plaster off oddly enough!