View Full Version : Weed

04-10-2012, 04:51 AM
So I havent smoked any weed since Ive been on my AD, because I don't know how this will affect me.....

Anyway I was thinking of smoking some on 420, so have you been smoking weed with ADs, and how does this affect you? Because weed is an antidepressant itself I dont think it would have any bad effects would it?

04-10-2012, 05:14 AM
Every person is different.

For me, smoking has a terrible terrible impact on my anxiety. I used to love it and enjoy it and I will never do it again.

I don't mind other people smoking and the 'old' me would have encouraged you to see what happens. However I got admitted to the ER after my last experience with it (and I was a hardened, hard core smoker). I don't want you to have that experience. I wouldn't advise mixing it with medication or doing it at all, really.

04-10-2012, 05:30 AM
i tried it again the other day(on ADs), and jesus christ! never again! with or without meds - never again!
my anxiety went through the roof!!

this was the reason i stopped in the first place! it was only a once in a blue moon thing - as it helped my anxiety at first. then it just worsened it!
i just ended up sitting with my head in my hands unable to cope with the amount of anxiety thoughts that were running through my mind.
i just wanted to sleep to stop it, only i couldn't as i was too far gone with anxiety!

if i were you, i would just avoid it full stop!
there is no need to smoke it. really, is there?

04-10-2012, 09:50 AM
I, also, use to enjoy weed but I blame weed for making my anxiety even worse. I remember feeling so drugged from it I just sorta 'blacked out.' I mean, like everyone said, we all experience these things differently, but I also would not recommend smoking weed well on ADs. And I'm kind of glad to see I'm not the only person who got royally screwed over from smoking while on ADs.

04-10-2012, 12:52 PM
Don't ask anyone questions like that, everyone has different effects, just try it. If u really want to smoke, SMOKE, don't ask :D.

04-10-2012, 02:38 PM
Some people find relief from anxiety when using weed. For others, it can really detrimentally affect anxiety levels and cause you to have acute panic reactions (I had one) and worsening anxiety symptoms. I wouldn't recommend smoking weed to anyone. I especially wouldn't recommend it to anyone on medication. This is coming from someone that used to smoke weed and backed the legalization of marijuana. Not anymore of course. It's your choice, but I would strongly advise against it.

04-10-2012, 04:39 PM
Weed helps my anxiety when I don't smoke it I'm a mess Witch ain't good cos I'm dependent on it and I dont Wana be but it's the only thin that helps