View Full Version : So angry!

04-09-2012, 09:14 PM
At times, when my anxiety get really bad and i'm doing everything i can think of not to have a panic attack, i find myself getting so frustrated and angry about the whole thing! I had anxiety issues when i was young, and managed to work through them One of the good things to come out of it was that during my teens and early twenties i was totaly fearless. Whenever somthing came up that should have been intimidating or scary, i could always face those feelings and not let anything hold me back. I was outgoing, tenacious, and confident.

Then about two years ago i suffered some trauma related to my health, and much of my anxiety has come back. I feel like i've lost such a huge part of myself, and the character traits i was most proud of. I used to be independant and driven, but now i'm not sure how to get my life started again because i'm not sure if i'm ready to move out of my parents house again. I don't like to complain, but i really feel like i got ripped off in life since everything has started. This post is mostly about me venting, but please feel free to comment/reply.