04-09-2012, 07:33 PM
Hi, I am new here. I just joined this board last week in hopes of finding some support with my GAD/ HA/ Depression. It is very refreshing to read that so many of you are going through what I am too. I have been dealing with this for 10 years now, and although I have seemed to have it under control for the most part, the last month and a half I feel like have gone backwards for me. I am not sure what triggered it, but my HA came on in full force and I have been worried that I have had almost every serious illness imaginable. I have had countless doctors appointments and tests done over the last month and a half, and all show that I am perfectly fine. Just as I seemed to be moving back in a positive direction this past week, I had one of the worst panic attacks I have ever had, and almost had another one yesterday (and was somehow able to talk myself out of it). I have been on numerous medications throughout the course of the last 10 years. Currently I am on Lexapro 30 mg and Xanax as needed for panic attacks. Until recently I almost never had to take the Xanax. I am also in the process of switching to a new psychiatrist so I am hoping they will be able to help me. I just want to be normal again. My family is very supportive, but I do try to keep my struggle hidden from my friends as much as I can, for fear they will think I am just crazy. I have a boyfriend who I love very much, and he is aware of my anxiety and depression, and is supportive as well, but I always worry that I freak him out with my problems. I am just hoping that the right combination of medication, education and therapy will finally help me to be my normal self again.