View Full Version : Is your medication longterm or temporary?

V for Victor
01-11-2007, 08:08 AM
I know many people here are taking medication, myself included.

I am wondering, though, how many people here have been put on medication temporarily (for twelve months, or so) and how many have been put on it indefinately.

My doctor originally put me on Citalopram temporarily, for a duration of about a year. Now, she says it might have to be indefinately, if I slip back into my old problems after coming off of it.

So what about you?

01-11-2007, 08:30 AM
I've just begun retaking citalopram after spending two-three months slowly coming off it due to a reoccurance of my symptoms.

So I guess my meds with now be indefinate not that I was ever given an estimated date for withdrawal I just thought I was ready and I was, for a while. One bad day and I'm right back to square one.

Duncan. :dry: