View Full Version : Panic Attacks About Partner

04-07-2012, 11:57 PM
Does anyone else have a panic attack when their partner or child suddenly takes ill?

For the past three weeks I've been seeing a psychologist to learn how to deal with my panic attacks. They got to the point where I couldn't deal with it anymore. I was so sure something was going to happen to me, so sure I was going to die! I was panicking and so scared of the thought of death. But logically I knew I was just suffering panic attacks not heart attacks. Then my mind starts to think about welcoming the thought of dying! Because then I wouldn't have panic attacks any more!! I knew this wasn't a good frame of mind hence the reason I went to the psychologist.

Anyway, for three weeks I've been great. I've learnt to relax, I've learnt to breathe thru my attacks, I've even learnt to say no to taking on too much stress.


In the last two days my husband has started having these SVT attacks with his heart again. He gets a rapid heart beat, can't breathe, tightness in chest, and feels dizzy and faint. He's seen a cardiologist who treats these attacks and the cardiologist assures us that his condition is not life threatening. My husband just has to learn how to treat the attacks when he has them. So in the last two days he's had two attacks and he's ok. He's managed to get them to stop then he's fine. Goes about his usual activities.

Me?!! Well, me is having a total freak out. It's like my panic attacks are back full on but I'm panicking for him!! Scared that he's going to die. I'm so scared that I want to rush him to a hospital and tell them to keep him until they can cure him. I keep panicking that I'm going to find him dead in the family room. Im going out of my mind. I've been trying to do all my relaxation techniques that my psychologist has taught me, but really, I just want to curl up into the fetal position and ball my eyes out!!! What is wrong with me?!!!!!!!! :'(

04-09-2012, 04:32 AM
i can't relate to that panicking situation. but i have got something along those lines - anxiety related

my health anxiety...
i'm terrible for it - constantly thinking something is wrong with me. actually convinced to the point i don't believe the doctors when they tell me otherwise.
anyway, there are times when i think i am managing my health anxiety well...but i'm not.
it goes from health anxiety on me, to my partner.
i start diagnosing him with all sorts.
i've even had him down as HIV haha. i'm so convinced with these illnesses, that i actually convinced him and in the end he rang the NHS direct to get reassurance!

tell your psychologist that your anxiety has passed over to being focused on your partner. you need to try and accept that his condition is not life threatening. try and remind yourself this when he is having an attack.
there is nothing wrong with you. it is just anxiety is sooo strong it is unbelievable!

04-15-2012, 11:12 PM
Thanks Anxiousmess. Your words r reassuring. When he was having these svt attacks that's all that kept me from tipping over the edge; reminding myself that the cardiologist said it is not life threatening. It scares the hell out of me though!! I go into full blown panic and then in my mind I start envisioning how I'm going to survive living on my own. And he's not even dead!! Oh gosh. This'll be a new one for my psychologist!! ;)