View Full Version : Need your feedback please...

04-07-2012, 09:32 AM
Hello everyone,

As noted in my last post, most of my anxiety hits me at night right before bedtime. I'm have no problem falling asleep with some anxiety but this is what happens as I sleep: within two hours of sleep (like clock work), I awake with heart palpitations (not too bad) and restlessness. I am able to fall back asleep but I've noticed in the last week, violent nightmares. The violence is usually against someone else with me running away from it.

Has anyone else experienced this? If so, please give me your feed back...

04-07-2012, 03:20 PM
i'm sorry i can't help you as i've never experienced what you're describing. i just didn't want to do a read and run.
i hope somebody can give you some advice soon :)

i'll give you some tips on a better nights sleep though - might help, i don't know!

if you have a tv in your room - remove it. it's not good feng shui style! i don't know if it really works, but i've never watched tv in bed for years, and i don't really have any sleep problems! (apart from not having enough)
wind down an hour before bed. don't watch tv or do anything that stimulates your brain. try and just have quiet time!
and, a nice warm drink before bed. try chamomile tea :)

04-07-2012, 05:10 PM
Thank you for the advice, I'll give it a try tonight. I've been hearing a lot about chamomile tea.