View Full Version : Long term anxiety symptons

04-07-2012, 08:18 AM
OK here it is, for about 2-3 years every so often (usually every month or so), for at least a week at a time i get this feeling of having to urinate often, i have been to the doctors countless times over this issue thinking it could be something different to what it was last time but every test comes back as negative and it only ever seems to go when i get tested or reassured by the doctor which makes me think this could all be in my head. The frequent urination has started up again and each time it happens i worry so much that it might something serious, im wondering whether i should go back to the doctors and suggest anxiety as the cause of this problem but it just sounds so silly that anxiety can cause this type of thing. Any advice would be great


04-07-2012, 09:05 AM
Anxiety can cause many symptoms. I've had anxiety for 20 plus years.

04-07-2012, 03:28 PM
could it not be related to 'the time of the month' (sorry if you are male lol)

you don't need to go to the doctors to suggest it being anxiety. if it's not related to the time of the month, then it probably is anxiety :) if it makes you feel better by going to the doctors, then you do that :)

remember, the time of the month's effects can effect you a week or two before the actual time!

you say you keep thinking it could be something different to what it was last time - i'm assuming the last time was something that made you feel quite anxious?
if that is the case, then it definitely is anxiety. i worry about a brain tumor, and i can bring on a headache. anxiety is wild!

04-07-2012, 05:03 PM
lol, i am a male :)

The thing is there has never been an actual problem, tests have always come back as nothing but i just get so stressed out that it might be something serious, which im sure is just making it worse, i probably will end up going back the doctors as its usually the only thing that helps me stop worrying so much, it just aggravates me as it stops me from doing things in the day as i just sit there and worry.

Thanks for your help :)

04-07-2012, 06:14 PM
lol sorry :)

do you feel anxious about anything else? or is it just that?
definitely sounds like anxiety. speak to your doctor and see if there is anything he can do to help. other than tests :)

04-07-2012, 06:30 PM
I have always been a worrier in general, when i was younger it used to be more of a general anxiety but the past 3 years it has been mainly health anxiety, i don't know what triggered it, i haven't had a situation that could have caused this anxiety, its been affecting me a lot lately though and its making me a little depressed, i just don't want it to be something that's going to hold me back and at the moment its looking that way. The thing that makes it worse is when i Google symptoms which i know is bad but sometimes i cant help it and the results are always life threatening diseases.

I've never spoke to a doctor about my anxiety issues, mainly because im only 17 and i feel they may not take it seriously, i also find it hard talking to family about my anxiety because they normally just tell me to stopped being so stressed but they don't understand that its not that easy for me, have you ever been in a similar situation?


04-08-2012, 02:34 AM
oh yes. a very similar situation actually!
less than a year ago ...i was peeing more, i started to get anxious about it, thinking i may be pregnant. i became obsessed with being pregnant (even though i didn't want to be..i have 4 kids). i was constantly googling it, i even went for tests at the doctors, which came back negative. only i didn't believe them. i ordered over 50 pregnancy tests off the internet and i tested everyday, sometimes more than once a day!
that lasted for agggeeesss. til i realised i wasn't getting a bump when i would've been about 6 months from when all my symptoms started!
so that faded...

only i was still having issues with my peeing! (they weren't real issues though!!).
i noticed it was 'different', so i done the usual google search of my symptoms, and put the fear of god in me! i came across a life threatening disease(not saying as it may trigger you or somebody else) - which also went hand in hand with my anorexia, which just made me believe it was that even more.
i went to the doctors, and they done a test and it came back fine.

i was still convinced for a short while after, thinking the doctors was wrong. my family also kept telling me i was being stupid, and as much as it didn't help at the time - i think it did help me get over that situation.

you might feel stupid, but believe me you are not! it is very common for an anxiety sufferer to be dealing with health anxiety. your doctor can only help you :)
as for your family - to get extra support, you could learn them a little bit about anxiety!

my sister never believed me, she thought i was just pathetic, until she became diabetic and started having panic attacks. she still apologises to this day as she never realised just how bad it was for me!

i constantly feel like the doctor won't take me seiously - but trust me, they do!

04-08-2012, 03:36 AM
Thanks so much for your response, i know it can be tough and i feel things such as anxiety are often joked about which really frustrates me, hopefully everything goes well at the doctors and i can get back to living normally again, well at least until another thing to worry about pops up :)