View Full Version : Cant take much more - health anxiety,GAD,OCD,panic attacks and depression!!!!

04-07-2012, 06:32 AM
Hi all, so it all began wit OCD since the age of around 5. I grew up and found out it was OCD nd lived my teenage life with it and never told any one. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect it to get worse. Then one day boom.... Panic attack nd now constant anxiety ever since.very depressed for a year or so. Now it's just full on anxiety, been convincing myself for a year now that my heart will stop. Lately been thinking il have a seizure!!! Is this possible. I don't know why I'm so messed up, I'm only 24, have a lovely job, great friends, travelling the world with my boyfriend of 7 years and we are so in love. Why do I feel like this everyday?it's crippling and I'm scared that someday I will of had enough. I used to have so many dreams, now life is torture. I really,really think I've hit bottom.I've been to therapists before,waste of money. I've done relaxation tecniques,work at the time until I get up again nd same anxiety is back.I don't no what to do

04-07-2012, 08:01 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles! I'm 25/female and I have recently been diagnosed with mild depression, GAD, and most recently OCD. For me, I really do think therapy has helped, but if you are unwilling to try it again, that is okay. It sounds like you don't have anyone in your life to talk to about this though, and that can make things so much worse.

You are not alone and you have done nothing wrong. Have you tried confiding in a family member, friend, or even your boyfriend?

If you are willing to give it a try, there are these books by Dr. Claire Weekes that I found helpful with anxiety. They are worth checking out.

04-07-2012, 03:35 PM
ez has given you some really good advice :)
i definitely think you should maybe try therapy again. which therapy was it you had? CBT should be the one you go for!
are you on any meds? have a talk with your doc to try and find the right meds for you!

on the positive side, if you feel you've hit the bottom then the only other way is up!
don't give up. it's sounds as though you've got it good. you just need to work on your anxiety and everything will be peachy!

hope you feel better soon :)

04-07-2012, 06:00 PM
Hi Britney. I used to have panic attacks multiple times a day and I could not leave the house unless I was medicated. Even then it was not easy leaving my home. My life was horrible! I have since cured that and my life is normal now. I go out anywhere and everywhere and I am happy. I am also medication free. I have outlined the steps I took on this forum, but what I want you to know is that many people like me, have had horrible anxiety and have overcome it. You can too. No matter what doctors diagnose you with, OCD or whatever, you can be so so so much better and be happy. Maybe a little OCD here and there, maybe anxiety once in a while, but they will be passing things that won't impact your life. Maybe even you can be 100% better. There's no rules. You make the rules.

So please, only ask questions on how you can get better, and not how bad your life is right now. Try and be 100% determined to get better and fully believe you can get better. Then you will focus on healing, and you will little by little do the right steps to get past what you're going through. Calming you nervous system, nourishing your nervous system, balancing your hormones, learning how to not fall into the fear trap, not adding 2nd fear to the fear, understanding the chemical reactions that cause a panic attack, breathing through your nose and not to overbreathe, getting really healthy by what you eat and exercise, and learning to create a better self dialog, andnot attaching to thoughts that don't serve you, you will be well on your way to leading a much better life.

good luck!