View Full Version : still can't think of a title for this, but please read

04-07-2012, 03:22 AM
Hi. So basically, I will occasionally share a bed with my mother. I never sleep in the same bed as her, but we'll sit and watch TV and read books and stuff. Because I'm so irrationally anxious about everything lately, this is getting to me as well. I know I'm being irrational, but I need reassurance. I guess I just need an outside POV

04-07-2012, 07:56 AM
What do you need reassurance about? Do you feel like there is something wrong with you spending time in a bed with her? I guess I am assuming nothing inappropriate happened (i.e. sexual). If so, there is nothing wrong with that.

04-07-2012, 03:09 PM
okami, honestly there is nothing wrong with that :)
if you feel a thought is irrational, then you need to accept that it is just anxiety!
you need to try and work through those thoughts :)

04-07-2012, 03:57 PM
I know, and things are improving lately, but at the moment, your username describes the way I feel anxiousmess.

04-07-2012, 04:03 PM
it's really good if things have been improving lately!

it means you are on the right track. everybody has setbacks though, and that is all this is!
remind yourself of how far you have come recently and focus on getting back to that!

you have no reason to be anxious. none of us do! our anxiety is all amplified because we feed it!
you need to stop feeding those anxious thoughts.

distract yourself as soon as an anxious thought appears.
you know like if you are angry, you would walk away from the situation that is causing your anger?

do the same with anxiety. when you feel anxiety, walk away from the situation.
completely distract your mind - put your music on, go for a walk, do a little dance (if you're as stupid as me ha)
just anything that will take your mind off that thought!

04-12-2012, 03:04 PM
I guess the reason it bothers me is because I've always been made to feel ashamed of what I am by bullies and such, so that's why I have anxiety regarding such things.

04-12-2012, 11:13 PM
If it makes you feel any better, when I was a kid and a teenager, there was nothing more relaxing than hopping into my Mum and Dads big bed with my Mum and little sister and just reading and talking or playing card games.

We all went on holiday a couple of years ago and one night we ALL hopped onto my parents bed and played UNO. This is when I was 28!!

There is nothing wrong with having a close relationship with your family.

As for the animal stuff, you were a kid. Kittens and puppies play fight and whack each other all the time to learn the limits of playing and fighting. You were doing the same.

I have a 1.5 year old dog now, he is the joy of my life, but he can be really naughty and sometimes does little painful nips on my hands and wrists in moments of excitement. When he does this, I have to pinch him hard on the neck to tell him it's not ok. Dogs have much thicker skin that people, the trainer explained that it is like a warning bite a mother dog or dominant dog would give a naughty pup. In fact, if I slapped him, he probably wouldn't even feel it. He's 30kg - over half my weight. My partner often pretends to play the bongos on his back!!

Don't traumatise yourself over events from the past. You can't change them! You can change and control your actions right now in the present.