View Full Version : stressed about the stress

04-06-2012, 03:48 PM

This is my first post, hopefully it's not in the wrong discussion forum. Recently in the year I found out that I have generalised anxiety disorder, Before that I thought I must have a tumor in my head to explain the endless headaches and assumed my paranoia's were at a normal level. After I spent a long time researching everything on GAD, I've noticed that my stress is more about having GAD and how it's affecting my life. It makes me really sad to look back at my past memories and not know whether it was normal to be that stressed or I was just overreacting. The stress of considering living with so much stress and how it would affect my immune system and possibly lead to an early death is starting to make me fall in and out of minor waves of depression.

All of this just seems so overwhelming because now I think I know when I'm over analysing things but still I can't help but get stressed - which annoys me the most. I don't know where this post is leading to, I guess I just needed to get it off my chest and see if anyone else is on the same boat?


04-06-2012, 08:31 PM
This sounds exactly like what set my GAD into full swing. I have always been a stressed and anxious person but when I started worrying about how much I was worrying it started to create panic. It seems that makes it harder to stop thinking about it which in turn makes me more stressed and then it just goes from there. Try to just accept that you are this way and that your body can handle it. It's nothing to worry more about. Mi know it sounds easy to say but hard to do and it is but I believe acceptance is the first step to getting better. Good luck!