View Full Version : any advice??

01-10-2007, 02:11 PM
hi my anxiety has made a sudden comeback recently! (think this is due to a decrease in my medication and taking on a lot at work)
lately i've been getting sudden diarrhea with hot flushes for no (apparant) reason, i know it musst be connected to my anxiety but is like a catch 22 (ie the having to go to the toilet when i cant) makes me double anxious and so the circle goes! i'm worried it'll turn into a major phobia!!
Anyone else experience this?? or have any advice on how to deal with it??
thanks so much :)

01-11-2007, 04:06 AM
Most of my physical symptoms are abdominal and I know just how you feel. Somtimes it feels like I've got food poisoning or some such, but these days I know it is Anxiety. Try finding the time to get some therapy this can in most cases be more effective than the tablets, In the meantime if you have lowered your meds its obvious you are not ready yet see your doc about raising the dosage back up to a level were you felt comfortable.

I hope you get better soon


01-11-2007, 01:52 PM
Try and learn the cbt based thought countering exercises like the tea form and I think they will help you a lot as it sounds like you are making several of the thinking errors that cause phobias in your note here.

04-08-2007, 04:42 PM
rt, you're not alone, i experience the exact same thing.. DAILY! i am going insane!

I was diagnosed with coeliac disease last year which wud av caused the irregular and unwanted movements in the first place and i just guess i developed a fear around it happening! even tho feeling a lot better on the Gluten free diet, i still fear the need to use the toilet in the absense on of one or where it will be noticed if i have to leave!

For this reason i don't go to dinner with my boyfriend.. ever! hate going on a plane, if i go anywhere i want to drive so i can leave if i need to, i'm always thinking about a way out of every situation.

The fear that causes this, also makes me feel sick and i really think i need help or i'm going to turn into a complete hermit!

I have no problems interacting with people, its the situations i fear and my avoiding them means i'm missing seeing people i love.

If anyone has any advice i'd really appreciate it, i'm thinking of making an appointment with a cognitive behavioral therapist or hypnotherapist anyone had any look with this?

Rt, thinking of you, its a horrible thing maybe it might help you to know you're not the only one x

05-02-2007, 02:23 PM
I don't know what coeliac disease is but if you are suffering similarly to what rt is going through I would give cbt a try which will at least help you with your sanity.

05-02-2007, 04:40 PM
thanks a mill, i have since posting been to my GP, she was really supportive and understanding, she advised CBT also. I have sent off the referral but that was nearly three weeks ago and no reply, there's a huge waiting list even if you go private. So i'm hopeful it won't take too long and might be of some help!

05-08-2007, 11:26 PM
That stinks that you have to wait so long. Where are you? You may want to read some books on cbt like the ones by Sam Obitz or Michelle Craske just to get started on the thought countering exercise the tea form. It is basic stuff and really helpful if you work on them everyday. I hope you get in to a see a specialist soon :?

05-09-2007, 02:32 AM
I'm in Dublin, there's plenty in the phone book, but there's a specialist center in one of the hospitals and i'd kind of perfer to go there, just the last thing i need is to go to some part time cowboy who doesn't know what they're at. I'm just hoping it will be worth the wait, thanks so much for the advice about the books, i've been thinking of getting my hands on something but wasn't really sure what to go for, will try get a hold of those this weekend. did you find them helpful?

05-12-2007, 12:15 PM
I am in the usa and have never been to Ireland but you definitely want to work with someone who knows what they are doing even if you have to wait. The cool thing about cbt is that you really learn to help yourself and the therapist is more of a guide than someone to rely on so when you get it you don't need them anymore you just need to keep doing the exercises they teach you :) Both of the books I mentioned are good but they are different. The one by Obitz is shorter and more friendly to read and the one by Craske is more focussed on panic disorder and technical but excellent if you have panic attacks. The exercise that Obitz focusses on called the tea form is the one exercise I have kept up with and has helped me the most of all the exercises I learned. Good luck and I hope you get started with your therapy and the exercises soon :tongue:

10-14-2009, 02:37 PM
Been over two years since we last chatted so you may not be here anymore but if You are I am wondering if you ever tried cbt and how you are doing? I'm doing great :D