View Full Version : Poking fears - does anyone else do this?!

04-04-2012, 02:13 PM
Hey :)
I've not been diagnosed, and am not taking meds, but I have always been pretty high-stress.

It's gotten worse after a family row last year, since which I have had panic attacks (mini-ones, at night), but recently it seems to be abating. (Yayyyy!)

However, I do get spiked occasionally by things (mostly violence-related - I reflect it back onto myself and worry obsessively about it for weeks), but I am always tempted to try to research the fear away; If I am scared by a story of someone being stabbed, I will worry that I may stab someone (I'm not at all a violent person, but that's the reflection) and then get anxious around knives etc for weeks. And I'll want to find out more about who stabbed, why they did it, statistics on murders, etc etc, trying to explain it to myself so that I can be certain that I would never do that, if that makes sense at all??

So what I'm asking is, does anyone else do this, and get wrapped up in anxiety over little things that you know you'd never do? And how can you help yourself skim over it and forget about it? Or am I just ridiculously sensitive?

Thanks for reading :)

04-04-2012, 02:33 PM
I used to do the same thing. I thought I was going crazy. I know exactly how you feel.

04-04-2012, 08:27 PM
I understand how you feel. I have this weird yet paralyzing fear of prison/ending up in prison. I have no reason to feel this way, as I've never committed a crime worthy of imprisonment and never would, but it's something my anxiety gets fixated on and I can't turn it off. How do you cope/make it stop?