View Full Version : What are my options?

04-04-2012, 01:49 PM
I am new to the forum and would like to discuss my anxiety problems. None of my friends seem to understand what I'm going through.
I am a college sophomore in Engineering at a major university. Here at my university I'm somewhat of a below average student, but I'm always able to pull through. I have been experiancing anxiety symptoms for as long as I can remember.
1) When I was young I would get sick the day before I would go on a field trip. My parents assumed it was just coincidence. But all throughout my elementary years I always had this problem even though in reality I wanted to go.
2) I would have symptoms before attending a prom/formal/ insert social activity here. One time when I was 16 I was feeling so terrible I was given a small does of xanax by my mother which instantly solved the problem and allowed me to enjoy my self the rest of the night.
3) In college the week of finals even though I would be well prepared for a test I have had the worst fits of anxiety before/during/after testing.
4) I have a lot of sleeping issues where I feel that by brain is just racing. A good or bad though, can turn into a negative fit of anxiety symptoms.

When I'm having a panic attack I feel that I am just swirling downwards. Every positive thought I can think of just turns negative and I automatically assume the worst. There is no way I can find around it.

I have a lot of financial woes and I am paying for my college living myself. I get some assistance here and there from my relatives but it's nothing I can rely on. This has led to multiple panic attacks.

I would like to see a doctor and get medication for this disorder but I am worried about what my parents would think, and if a doctor would actually prescribe a 19 year old medication to solve his problems.

I have been taking valerian root when I feel a panic attack coming on and it is helpful, but it has come to the point of me taking twice the recommended dosage for it to work.

What should I do?

04-04-2012, 01:57 PM
hiya. i would definitely go to the doctors.
it doesn't matter what your parents think. you come first!
as for your parents anyway, if your mother gave you a small dose of xanax, then does she also suffer from anxiety?

taking twice the recommended dose of anything can't be good for you.
definitely go to the doctors. i've been on meds for anxiety/depression when i was 15. so i'm sure being 19 isn't going to stop them prescribing you something :)

04-04-2012, 02:20 PM
My mother suffers from it, and my father. And my I know of one grandparent that is medicated also. So it defiantly runs in the family.
Because I live 7 hours from home, If I went to the doctor, would my parents be able to see where I'm receiving medication/ went to a psychologist or any doctor? I was just conceded with the cost of going. I have been dealing with this problem for too long.
This being a college town and medications being abused by students makes it very difficult to get medication I am afraid of. I have lightly mentioned it to a doctor before just trying to test the waters and it didn't get me anywhere.

04-04-2012, 02:27 PM
I have had this problem almost every time I leave home. When I was about 14 I went with family friends to another state, plane ride and was about 1000 miles from home. Later the next day I had a full blown panic attack. I complained of difficulty breathing when in reality it was the anxiety causing my throat/chest to tighten. I had to come home from the trip and being treated for asthma when I was having a panic attack.

04-04-2012, 03:56 PM
Hey man I can totally relate to what your going through. I am a senior in the mechanical engineering program and will be graduating in a few weeks. Engineering is one of the most stressful and difficult majors out there. I too have struggled with anxiety over my college years. A main contributing factor has been the high levels of stress. I've always felt like ive been good at managing it but sometimes we don't realize how much the stress takes a toll on your body. This semester was the worst for me and I went to a doctor for some symptoms I had been having. After running a ton of tests everything checked out fine. I finally brought up to her that I was having problems with anxiety and it seemed to all make sense to her. She said that she believed all my symptoms were from anxiety and stress. Some of these symptoms included heart palpitations, muscle pain, shortness of breath, night sweats, anxiety, depression, and the list goes on. I have always been against taking medication and my doctor agreed that she doesn't like to push anxiety medications. But for my case she decided it was necessary. When you sleep poorly you are tired the next day. Your body produces adrenaline to keep you going throughout the day. This adrenaline makes your anxiety even worse and then you sleep poorly again the next night and its a vicious cycle. She prescribed me a small dose of clonazepam (anti anxiety) to take before bed 2-3 nights a week. Since I started taking this my symptoms have improved dramatically. My mind is always running but this quiets it for once and allows me to sleep peacefully.

I would for sure recommend that you see a doctor. If your diet is not balanced you can develop deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals. This can cause symptoms of anxiety also. I think if a doctor sees that you truly do struggle with anxiety they shouldn't have a problem prescribing you medication. There are also non-narcotic meds that you can take on a daily basis that is non-addictive. If the doctor you see doesn't take you seriously then see another one. Some people just do not get anxiety but when you find a doctor that does it is a real relief.

As for other alternatives I would just recommend eliminating alcohol and caffeine from your diet. Also try to eat a balanced diet and if your not then take a multivitamin. Make sure you eat consistently throughout the day and try to have lots of protein and less sugar. When you don't eat your blood sugar drops and that can be a irritant to your anxiety. One thing I would highly recommend is Bach's Rescue Remedy. It has really been a lifesaver for me. A few drops under the tongue and it helps take the edge off my anxiety. I just took some today actually and it worked like a charm. There is a lot of useful information on this sight and I suggest doing some searches on natural supplements and read some of the stickies at the top of the forum page. I know its hard to do but try to lower your stress levels and give your life some balance. It's easy to just go and go and go when your in college but you need to give your body some rest.

I hope this helps and feel free to ask any questions you might have.

04-05-2012, 09:54 AM
Hey man I can totally relate to what your going through. I am a senior in the mechanical engineering program and will be graduating in a few weeks. Engineering is one of the most stressful and difficult majors out there. I too have struggled with anxiety over my college years. A main contributing factor has been the high levels of stress. I've always felt like ive been good at managing it but sometimes we don't realize how much the stress takes a toll on your body. This semester was the worst for me and I went to a doctor for some symptoms I had been having. After running a ton of tests everything checked out fine. I finally brought up to her that I was having problems with anxiety and it seemed to all make sense to her. She said that she believed all my symptoms were from anxiety and stress. Some of these symptoms included heart palpitations, muscle pain, shortness of breath, night sweats, anxiety, depression, and the list goes on. I have always been against taking medication and my doctor agreed that she doesn't like to push anxiety medications. But for my case she decided it was necessary. When you sleep poorly you are tired the next day. Your body produces adrenaline to keep you going throughout the day. This adrenaline makes your anxiety even worse and then you sleep poorly again the next night and its a vicious cycle. She prescribed me a small dose of clonazepam (anti anxiety) to take before bed 2-3 nights a week. Since I started taking this my symptoms have improved dramatically. My mind is always running but this quiets it for once and allows me to sleep peacefully.

I would for sure recommend that you see a doctor. If your diet is not balanced you can develop deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals. This can cause symptoms of anxiety also. I think if a doctor sees that you truly do struggle with anxiety they shouldn't have a problem prescribing you medication. There are also non-narcotic meds that you can take on a daily basis that is non-addictive. If the doctor you see doesn't take you seriously then see another one. Some people just do not get anxiety but when you find a doctor that does it is a real relief.

As for other alternatives I would just recommend eliminating alcohol and caffeine from your diet. Also try to eat a balanced diet and if your not then take a multivitamin. Make sure you eat consistently throughout the day and try to have lots of protein and less sugar. When you don't eat your blood sugar drops and that can be a irritant to your anxiety. One thing I would highly recommend is Bach's Rescue Remedy. It has really been a lifesaver for me. A few drops under the tongue and it helps take the edge off my anxiety. I just took some today actually and it worked like a charm. There is a lot of useful information on this sight and I suggest doing some searches on natural supplements and read some of the stickies at the top of the forum page. I know its hard to do but try to lower your stress levels and give your life some balance. It's easy to just go and go and go when your in college but you need to give your body some rest.

I hope this helps and feel free to ask any questions you might have.

04-05-2012, 03:20 PM
I am wondering if it would be best to see my university health clinic that does see some cases of stuff like this or find a family doctor in the area or go to a psyc doctor.
I really do not have the money to risk seeing a university doctor and not being able to get a prescription to help me with this problem. I am afraid if I go to a psyciatrist it will cost me a lot of money having to come back for lots of follow up consultations.

04-05-2012, 05:25 PM
Are you sure your university doctor will charge you? At my university doctors visits and counseling are free.

04-10-2012, 10:42 AM
I visited my university doctor today and this was actually her specialty.
She wanted to know why I waited so long to get treated.
I was given prozac to take once a day.
Until the prozac starts working she gave me 20 klonopin for emergencies, beta blockers when necessary, and ambien for difficulty sleeping due to anxiety.

She hopes that I will only take the prozac daily after this month, and the beta blockers. But of course she threw the other two in there for emergencies or if the prozac doesn't work.

I'm kind of concerned about taking prozac, I'm not depressed at all. It sort of scares me taking such a med. I am also really worried the medication might negatively impact my school work.

04-10-2012, 11:20 AM
my bf is currently taking prozac for depression - but also for anxiety.
i have had it in the past for both anxiety and depression.

it is one of the best meds for anxiety! don't give up on it, and don't feel anxious about taking it either.
just because your doctor prescribed it to you, it doesn't mean she thinks you are depressed. as i said, it is also for anxiety!
it shouldn't make a negative impact on your school work either!

04-10-2012, 11:32 AM
Yep. Start an ssri at a low dose and taper up to a normal dose to lower base anxiety and reduce panic attacks. Ask for a benzo like ativan or valium for tough times and use sparringly. A beta blocker will help for racing heart/shaking/tremor(for speeches, social stuff) I use propranolol, 20mg-40mg. Read up on anxiety disorder and treatments. PM me any time. Alankay

04-10-2012, 11:51 AM
Thanks for the help. I took my first dose of prozac this afternoon after my appointment. I received a benzo for tough times, and I also received propranolol.

Thanks for everyones help, it's a relieve just to get some treatment.

04-10-2012, 12:13 PM
i'm pleased you're on your recovery journey! :)

good luck :)