View Full Version : Irrational/Unrealistic Fears

04-04-2012, 12:15 PM
Hi all,
New here, but seems like a great place. I apologize for what could be a pretty lengthy post.

I have suffered from anxiety since my first year of high school. I don't really know what triggers it, as it appears to be random. For the longest time, it was health anxiety. For whatever reason now this has changed. I now suffer from exhausting bouts of extreme paranoia and irrational/unrealistic fears.

My latest set-back:
Last week, I put together a package to mail to some friends several states away. It's mostly filled with silly gifts meant to just bring a smile to their faces. However, it also contains some very personal things (in this case, a satirical video we all made together) as well. I sent the package via USPS priority mail, which is supposed to deliver within 2-3 days, but they have not yet received it and it has been over the 2-3 days. I am now paralyzed by fear that the package is lost for good and someone will find it, open it, and steal the video and post it all over the internet. I know I'm probably just being really impatient, and even in the chance that the package is lost it probably won't be stolen and end up online. For some reason however, my anxiety won't let it go. It's tearing me up inside and I won't feel better until I know they have it in their hands. My every day life is being thrown off and I feel like I'm in a trance.

What can I do?

04-04-2012, 12:54 PM

have you been to the doctors about it?

i know when my anxiety kicked off to the max a few weeks ago - i came to the conclusion that i had paranoid personality disorder. i was analyzing everything that much, i was able to find something to be paranoid over!
i went to the doctors and they arranged for me to see a psychiatrist (still waiting for the appointment)

now time has passed, my anxiety has calmed down and i also started on zoloft. i realise that it was just my anxiety and i'm feeling quite silly about the whole thing now!

04-04-2012, 12:59 PM
Anxiousmess did Zoloft help a lot?? How long did you have to wait for the full effect to start working?

04-04-2012, 01:26 PM
i'm not sure if it's working or if i'm psychologically making it work lol.
i've been taking it for almost 2 weeks now (i think), but i am feeling better!

the other day, i went to the cash machine and it wasn't working. so i had to go in morrisons for some cash back. my partner was in the car, so i was by myself.
i did feel incredibly uncomfortable, and the thoughts were coming...but i didn't have any kind of attack. i was also able to push past the thoughts, which i haven't been able to do in the past!

so really, they must be working. i don't think that would happen, even if i was psychologically making myself feel better

04-04-2012, 02:22 PM
That's good I'm glad you're feeling better!! I'm sure their taking effect

04-04-2012, 03:47 PM
is that what you're on jeremy? if so... how are you getting on with them?