View Full Version : hello

04-04-2012, 05:19 AM
I am new here. am not sure what 'disorder' I have ...
I have left the house 2 times in the past 6 years.
once to go for a drive with my partner and a friend, at night time
and once to move to this new house.

I feel no need to go out. I have let all my former friendships lapse, and feel no need to talk with them even on the phone.
I dont like people to visit me.
I have very good online friends who i enjoy talking to and a great relationship with my partner (who doesn't push me to go out).

I do have multiple sclerosis, and stopped going out when my driver's license was refused for renewal, due to mobility problems.
I do not see any point in visiting the doctor because previous treatment just made me feel worse from the side effects.

I can't say I have dehabilitating anxeity attacks, because I suppose I don't put myself in a situation where I would.
But I also can't say I don't feel anxeity because I do. I hate it when there is someone at the door, and noone else at home to answer.
I will wait and hope they just go away.

Anyway, that is basically me. Not sure whether I am happy or unhappy, but can honestly say when nobody is bothering me, I am pretty much content.

04-04-2012, 07:33 AM
Cheeta, sounds like you have agoraphobia and would get panic disorder only if "pushed" out and social anxiety and a touch of depression. But that's just from what you mentioned only. If you are doing OK you might as well just make no changes for now any way. You seem OK. Alankay