View Full Version : nigh time anxiety

04-04-2012, 04:52 AM
I have been getting night time anxiety for a year know. During the day I'm ok I can handle my anxiety even the big panic attacks are easy to deal with. My problem is that when I'm trying to go to bed I get really bad anxiety I jump a lot, I get shaky, anxious, I get really scared like something really scary just happend, and my mind wonders and wonders and I think of some stupid stuff that don't make sence at all. I take benzos at night and they don't help. I got insomnia due to this. This is really weird as to if this happend during the day I could manage it but at night I can't I live in fear just thinking about night time falling and going to bed. What can this be?

I can't see a therapist cuz I have no insurance and cannot aford one. Is someone else going through this??