View Full Version : Hello everyone

04-03-2012, 02:58 PM
Have been in treatment for depression and anxiety since the early 90's. I just found this place. Over the last few years my anxiety issues have gotten worse. I get it all the time, going to bed, dealing with my wife, especially at work. I keep very detailed journals and know a bunch of my triggers. I see a pdoc for meds and a therapist to learn to cope. I have really been working hard lately and things except for the anxiety seem to be getting better. I have tried most all kinds of anti anxiety and anti depressants most don't work for me or make me very sick.

I have been inpatient twice in my life. I have a family to support now kids and a wife. That adds to stress.

I get tons of symptoms:
Out of body stuff
Electric "zaps"
Bad sleep
Constant elevated anxiety level
Suicidal ideations
Panic attacks

I am currently on
Prozac 80mg
Klonipin .5 mg 4 times a day but I only take 2
Buspar 15mg

I have tried tons of others to try and find a good solution most pills make me sick / very sick. I have been hospitalized because of reaction to meds.

My triggers are
My boss
Fear of being fired
Fear of wife being mad (even though she is the greatest )
Money (even tough we do ok)

I am also a drug abuser / alcohol over user (self medication). I never over use any more and don't abuse now.

I try to get better by intensive Thearapy and journaling everything including my triggers etc to try and understand my condition.

04-04-2012, 10:05 AM
I been on benzos for years. I get no pleasure from them do I am not prone to abuse them. I keep asking my pdoc about cutting back or switching to something less powerful he is not keen on that.

04-04-2012, 10:06 AM
Oh and I eat very healthy and actively meditate daily. I take fish oil and a multi vitamin not a huge fan of supplements.
