View Full Version : pregnant cat

04-03-2012, 07:39 AM
hello :)

if anybody knows anything about pregnant cats...i need advice!

i'm so anxious over this while she is just sleeping without a care in the world lol

i've actually became obsessed over this :|

04-04-2012, 12:40 AM
Hi anxious - I would just leave her to it. just keep a watchful eye on her - she'll let you know if anything is wrong. How exciting!!!

04-04-2012, 09:50 AM
thanx guys! i'm actually starting to think that maybe she's not pregnant and i just overfed her and made her look pregnant.
but i only started feeding her more as she was wanting more and because she looked pregnant. hmmm

i'm just second guessing myself, as usual ha. i guess i'll see soon enough whether she is or isnt!

hope you're both ok!! :)