View Full Version : Can Poor Diet add to Anxiety?

04-03-2012, 07:08 AM
There are days I don't even feel like eating, Days I couldn't eat anything and difficulty swallowing things. And now I can eat things but my eating pattern is so messed up atm and i find myself having pizza every few days and kfc and maccas. I probably eat take away 4 times a week atm and I only started eating breakfast the last week or so because I just couldn't swallow anything in the mornings. So i only have a very light breakfast and then i tend to eat heaps in the afternoon. I was really good for up to a week and now my anxiety is starting to hit me back as if i am going to die because I am eating like crap and I don't have as much water as i should during the day though I conserve my energy well because i am not up to much at the moment also which could be a factor as to why I don't feel like eating or is not hungry etc.

Can anyone relate and share some good advice?.

04-03-2012, 02:44 PM
The anxiety is messing with your eating patterns. It's not the cause but you should have a good, balanced diet for all the right reasons. Do stay away from lots of caffeine and alcohol though. IMHO. Alankay