View Full Version : Anxiety behaviour cycle?

04-03-2012, 07:03 AM
Hi, Just thought i'd ask a few questions to see if anybody suffers from behavior cycles with anxiety like i do. I've suffered for approx ten years now and have been to hell and back with anxiety. I've pretty much experienced everything that anxiety has to offer, and am still holding it together, just. Like some of you will know, it maybe you have family that rely on you, e.g for a steady income or as a father or mother, which doesn't make this thing any easier. On the other hand, having a family may be the only thing that is holding you together and stopping you slipping further down the slope so to speak.
Anyway, i am wanting to ask if any body experiences a particularly notable cycle in their symptoms or behaviour due to anxiety?. I for one have noticed a pattern in my body behaviour and quite frankly it's doing my head in. I will start with buttock clenching, locking my knees, clenching my jaw, clentching my left hand, scratching the back of my head etc, then back to the buttock clentching and so on. At the moment it's clenching my jaw which is getting on my nerves. I know that these behaviors are probably due to the anticipation of anxiety or a prevention of an attack. Any takers??
I'm also apprehensive of going to bed at night as i sometimes have an attack soon after retiring for the night although this is a relatively new experience along with chest pains and pins and needles throughout my body. Does anybody get scared of going to bed? Regards, Scott.

04-03-2012, 09:04 AM
Scott. common for muscles to tense. Also anxiety will wax and wane with lifes stresses and events. Alankay

04-03-2012, 01:28 PM
I just had a night terror yesterday!! And was actually pretty scared to go back to sleep....I had never experienced that.....I just started takin Paxil and I don't know if that's the med or just me and my anxiety