View Full Version : How long does this last?

04-02-2012, 08:40 PM
I really don't believe this is anxiety. I've never really let anything get to me....but really I havnt even moved much in 3 weeks...i just woke up n everything was different...I feel a loss of intelligence, loss of reality, feeling my body will collapse from weakness. All the doctor did was give xanax and tested me for lymes which came up as a false positive or some shit. I NEED MY LIFE BACK. Could this be my untreated crohns? Or pyroluria, possibly lymes? Wtf is this!!!!???

04-02-2012, 08:50 PM
I feel like I'm in a bad dream that won't end or a drug trip....for no reason at all. The only reason I'm scared is because this could be something more serios than anxiety. I know this is NOT in my head. Could it be from sleeping in the same room as a water heater? Cat litter box? My raised hemo globin? Vitamin d deficiency? B deficienvy? It's pissin me off, the docs are so easy to just throw out meds before testing everything.

04-02-2012, 09:55 PM
Doctor said I had lyme's disease. This was about 10 years ago. Back then, and maybe still now, I heard that the test for lyme disease (lyme titer?) produced many false positives.

One week I was extremely fatigued with flu-like symptoms. Went in for a blood test and my counts were low. I got better, but then had an enlarged spleen which lasted that way for a few years. Doctors thought I had mononucleosis. Then tested me for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme. Both came back negative. Then I had to see an oncologist and got tested for blood cancers via ct scans, a pet scan, and lots of blood tests. Nothing came back positive. Took another lyme test and it came back positive, but apparently it showed I had it recently. So I went on doxycycline for two months. I'm not sure I ever had it; never had the bullseye rash and joints never really hurt that bad.

I seem fine today except for an overactive nervous system.