View Full Version : First panic attack

04-02-2012, 03:44 PM
Hello everyone

I'm 24 and have been told I have anxiety and depression. I have a full time job which i think is the cause of it because I have a great personal life. I was signed off work for 2 weeks and I have counciling and am on 10g of medication it's been two weeks and i went bk to work on thurs. I was very frightened but ok but today I had my first panic attack it really scared me. I'm going bk to my doctor tmro because I want to make a step in the right direction not bk wards:( any advice?

04-02-2012, 10:58 PM
Hi there, I had my first panic attack a month ago, this is also new to me but from my experience it does get better, hang in there, you will get out of this one! :) , try to be positive (I know it's not easy) don't worry to much, I found out that once i started loosing the fear to the panic attack the feelings of anxiety started to fade, I take it day by day.

04-03-2012, 03:09 AM
It sounds a bit silly, but you really have to power through it if you don't want to succumb to the attacks.

You need to learn to get familiar with your symptoms and work through - especially if like so many of us, you need to work to live.

The attacks WILL subside to general anxiety and discomfort, which in turn will fade away as you learn to feel comfortable in the workplace again.

Talk to your Doctor about getting some medication to help you (if you feel comfortable with it). I have been prescribed Valium to take to ease the hyper vigilance of another attack, as well as to take in an emergency situation when I get an attack. It works in 20 min, but you do have to be cautious, as with any medication.

Also keep a journal to record when, where and what triggers the attacks, how long they last and how long they take to subside.

You will get through this. I'm 3 months into my most recent anxiety glitch and I can feel that it's almost over. That normality I longed for will be just around the corner.

Good luck!

04-03-2012, 09:19 PM
I have been using inositol multivitamine rescue remedy spray b complex

This all are helping with anxiety and panic
It is said that inositol works for physical anxiety

Also google inositol for anxiety