View Full Version : I had really bad anxiety 2 years ago and ive never quite recovered...

04-02-2012, 10:08 AM
Hi im new here and this is my first post :)

im 16 and two years ago i had really bad anxiety, so bad i had to stay of school for about a month.Before that i used to have it so good- i was popular at and had loads of friend school and i was really outgoing and funny.

Now i just feel like a shadow of what i used to be, i am really quiet and my self confidence is absolute rock bottom. It makes me so depressed when i think how ive gone so low and I want to change but i dont know how... i feel like i will never come out the other side


04-02-2012, 10:43 AM
How are you? I used to get anxiety in school, but never new what it was. Always used to brush it off. I have found that talking to my friends about it, helps me calm down and to not focus on my anxiety.

If your friends stopped talking to you because of your anxiety, then they shouldn't be your friends. Just worry about taking care of yourself and be positive.