View Full Version : Worried again.

04-01-2012, 08:28 PM
So as people know if they have read my previous posts, I get chest discomfort occasionally. Today has been somewhat of a bad day for them, they keep moving around my chest, from left to right etc. I did go to the hospital last month because I freaked out about the pain, not because it was severe, but because I was petrified of it being a heart attack. This is constantly on my mind now, heart attack, heart attack, heart attack, is what I think about. I was obviously told just as many of us have been, your EKG is fine, blood work is fine, chest x-ray is fine, you have under a 0 chance of having a heart attack. But now my problem is, I feel like if I was to have a heart attack, I wouldn't know when the hell to go to the hospital. This has been stressing me out and I have been fighting it for weeks. Just basically venting to everyone here. If anyone has advice, as always I'd appreciate it.

04-02-2012, 06:20 AM
Hi, sorry you are feeling worried. A quick bit about my backgound - I suffered with anxiety for about 15years, it got progressively worse and for the last 7 years of it I developed OCD. Now I dont have OCD and my anxiety levels are hardly noticeable so I hope this gives you encouragement that there is a way out.

Ok so you have been given the all clear on a physical level, so where does this leave us? Back up there in the good old mind! Essentially there is a part of the mind that is there to protect us. This part of the mind is set to make us aware of any potential dangers. Great - back in the good old days when there were sabre toothed tigers walking around outside and if we forgot about this then the likelihood was that we would end up as a meal for one of them! But these days, for most people these types of dangers do not exist. However this part of the mind does and if we give it something that it thinks could be a danger and we keep giving it energy, it will keep giving it back to us - as if to say "dont forget about that or you will be in danger"!

Ok so these thoughts are not YOUR thoughts they are just being presented to you from your anxious mind. This is where you have the power as you have the CHOICE whether to give these thoughts energy or not. Ok so you get the sensation in the chest then the thought comes pretty much automatically but then thats where you have the choice to give it more energy and keep worrying about it or say " there it is again, just an anxious part of my mind thats trying to keep me safe but it isnt really helping, its just making me feel anxious and I dont need to listen to it anymore". I have tried everything and spent thousands and I can tell you this is the only thing that works. Anxiety is like a bully, it thrives on attention, take the attention away and it loses its power. It takes practice but what better thing to practice?

Your body and mind will heal themselves when left alone. To me, the discomfort in your chest seems like a symptom OF your anxiety. You have just got in to a viscious cycle but cycles can be broken. You dont have to believe the voice / thoughts in your head. How many times has it said to you that there was something really bad going to happen and it didnt, you are still here!!!

Take the power back, you can do it, I know, I did.

big hug :-)

04-02-2012, 10:45 AM
Thanks Tom, I am going to try what you suggested. I find it easy to vent about my concerns on here. I think I'm going to end up going to a therapist, just for that person to talk to.

04-02-2012, 12:19 PM
well said Tommy...

i need to take your advice as well, but we all know how easy it is to listen then it is to actually apply it to our lives.

jw927458......i am in a similar situation to you these days and it scares the shlt out of me. it has even halted me from doing one of my favorite things as thoroughly as i used to.....exercise and the gym.

for the past few years i have worried about my heart but only this year January 2012 did i let it really get to me......

Since January it has been really tough but i keep going....you can keep going!

Having someone to talk to about your feelings helps tremendously and yes these forums are a good ALTERNATE outlet for us, however try to find someone you can talk to on a more personal level.

i really do believe that we are meant to go through all this for a reason, and that we will come out better, stronger people because of it.

find a hobby.

drink chamomile tea, take your vitamins and avoid certain foods/drinks. exercise if you can. try yelling out loud if you have to (i do this when im frustrated and it actually helps)

as soon as a negative thought comes into your head, say something positive and move on. fake it til you make it approach.

and yes anxiety IS like a bully....if you keep giving it attention he will keep bullying you