View Full Version : weight loss and delayed effects coming off effexor xr

04-01-2012, 07:57 PM
hi all...

i finally weened off effexor xr in december 2011 (was on it for 8 years).......december and january i was at my same weight....however february and march i lost almost 20 lbs......

is this normal?

my anxiety has been a bit worse this year, however the weight loss had me a bit confused.

04-01-2012, 09:54 PM
First of all congrats about coming off effexor succesfully!! A lot of people always say how its sooo hard to get off anti-depressants....but then again I think cause most of them just stop taking them cold turkey!! Thats a significant weightloss which personally I would be trilled to lose weight but I think that is normal....AD'S usually make you gain weight and since youre not on them anymore you lost weight....

04-01-2012, 11:42 PM
I lost about (hang on maths) - 12kg or bout 25 lbs

04-01-2012, 11:46 PM
I lost about (hang on maths) - 12kg or bout 25 lbs

Oops hit send too early. This was after coming off effexor. I wasn't overweight at all and it was quite a shock!!