View Full Version : Major Down Time.

01-08-2007, 04:53 PM
Okay I been on paroxetine 40mg for the last 3 years or so and i been up and down and have not had a bad panic attack for about 6 months maybe more. But now its come on heavy! I have not really eaten coming up to the last 72 hours I have been sick most times i have eaten and feeling really depressed.. Just feel like i want to cry and i never cry. I mean all i want to do is sleep and sleep and theres nothing that looks like it will cheer me up,

I got the doctors tomorrow at 4.20 but im worried if they higher my dossage i feel like im never going to get better and prob will get me more depressed,

At this moment in time I just dont feel like the tablets are having any effect on me anymore is it possible for my system to get used to them?

The build up of problems are silly little ones like not working for the last 2 months, i was ment to start my new job this month but have not got around to it as i feel to bad.
A woman whos confusing me and is off and on like a light switch.
Hurting someone who was close to me and asking if I did the right thing not being with them anymore.
And I have just came out of having the flu.
I just need to get my feelings off my chest, And i wernt even bothered about coming on the pc, I just want to lay in bed and hope it will pass but I know its not best for me to do this, So i thought I would come here and talk about my issues hoping that it will help me getting them off my chest and knowin people are in the same position as me.

01-09-2007, 03:11 AM
You can get through this you have before and you will again. Sometimes you need to ajust the dosage on meds as your body becomes ajusted. However the meds on thier own arent the solution and arent perfect. If you've just had a Flu bug it is possible that this has lowered your bodies resistance. I hope you feel better soon, Good Luck at the Docs.


01-09-2007, 10:26 AM
hey thanks jitters for the reply

im just been put on propranolol 10-20mg 3 times a day as the docter was unhappy with my heart beat at 116bpm and sent me for a blood test for tomorrow, I refused to go up in paroxetine for now as 40mg is pretty high i find.
Still feeling crappy hopefully il start feeling better soon.

01-09-2007, 11:28 AM
I dont blame him that is high... Let us know what it shows I hope you are O.K. :console:

01-09-2007, 12:02 PM
Yeh i know :shock: when was in hospital 2 years ago i hit 117bpm resting,

When ever I have anxiety my heart rate hits out of control thats one of my major issues my last doctor said it will just make my heart stronger and dont worry about it but this one looks at it different but il tell you lot how it goes :)