View Full Version : I can't talk on the phone

03-31-2012, 02:29 PM
I have a very difficult time speaking on the phone. Unless it's someone in my close family, I become a nervous wreck while talking on the phone. I'll stutter, or simply grunt a reply. This is something I need to improve on, but how can I improve my phone speaking skills, because every time I speak to someone on the phone, I simply become an anxious wreck and can't hold a proper conversation with someone.

03-31-2012, 02:58 PM
Why do you get anxious? Is there something specific that you fear? Just focus on relaxing when you are on the phone...What is the worst that can happen if you stutter or mess up speaking? Nothing! so realize there is nothing to worry about. Everyone messes up when they speak on the phone or in public... even the best speech givers do, so if you mess up on the phone give your self a break don't get frustrated :)

04-01-2012, 08:37 AM
I have a very difficult time speaking on the phone. Unless it's someone in my close family, I become a nervous wreck while talking on the phone. I'll stutter, or simply grunt a reply. This is something I need to improve on, but how can I improve my phone speaking skills, because every time I speak to someone on the phone, I simply become an anxious wreck and can't hold a proper conversation with someone.

I have similar problems talking on the phone. I have problems when I have to call someone or when the phone rings. I have social anxiety which I've been told is why this happens. Has your dr explored this with you?