View Full Version : bad taste

03-31-2012, 04:14 AM
I get lots of physical anxiety symptoms..want 2 compare 2 others..who gets bad taste in mouth..tight sore throat etc? Makes me feel less alone.

03-31-2012, 06:23 AM
Me for sure!!
I get a saccharine sweet taste in my mouth for no reason!

03-31-2012, 07:31 AM
Mine is bad taste..dirty. & throat & mouth go dry.Ta for answering

03-31-2012, 07:53 AM
I get sore troat and a sweet taste kinda taste like if I just aet pineapple

03-31-2012, 08:05 AM
Wow..I get the sore throat.& the bad taste.this can suddenly change too. Like a chemical switch has been turned on.. one minute feel good & then everything crashes..I must admit I do feel scared of the strange symptoms..As they ruin events I am looking forward to.

04-04-2012, 05:24 AM
Oh ik anxiety is very very scary. Because u live in fear every min of every sec. Not knowing if this is the heart attack I always though was ganna happen 5 min later u find out no it was the same as the other 45 heart attacks I thought I was about to have. Or what if I do losse my mind this time. What if this and what if that. That is what we live by the what if's that makes us live in fear each day. But if u think back to all those times u swore u where ganna die and u didn't dosent it make u feel bad for falling for them? But yet again if u get a feeling right this sec u will still fall for it? Lol if u think about it anxiety is scary in a way that we cannot control our minds anymore like we use to. Anxiety takes over ur mind and body. The symptoms of anxiety are scary really scary and they feel so real. But anxiety is all in the mind we just need to know how to over come it. Not fight it cuz when u fight fire with fire u will get burned we have to find away of overcoming it with out triggering it or making it worst. When someone does find a cure please call me :)

04-04-2012, 08:31 AM
Thanx jme for your post.it took many years 2 realise my mind causes the illness.as my symptoms r so physical .I had blood tests.examinations.the lot.I was obsessed with looking at my throat .convincet here was something there..I hate anxiety .glad I.found this site..then suddenly I am anxious that talking about my syptoms within the site will make me worse As I will b dwelling on it..stupid I know.buy I am so cautiousl of something setting illness off!

04-04-2012, 10:42 AM
I get triggered with talking about anxiety symptoms and even though we know its not real its still get to us. I understand I'm also glad I found this site it helps a lot and I have a lot in common with some ppl. I also found a chat room where they are really helpfull to anxietypanicsupport.com have u heard of it or been there? They are helpfull also u should check it out.

04-04-2012, 10:54 AM
Hi jme..I do tend 2 dwell on anxiety..especially on a bad day ..but it is good 2 relate 2 other sufferers& give each other wise words of coping..will try chat room.thanx..how ru 2 day anyway?