View Full Version : I took my first paxil right now

03-30-2012, 11:24 PM
I took it at 10:00 and it's now 10:23....I feel like it got me nervous and kicked up my anxiety!!

Normal symptom for Paxil user? Please let me know?

03-31-2012, 12:17 AM
Kev what are you going to start taking??

I spoke to the pharmacist about taking a xanax if I really needed it and he told me it was fine cause they dont interact with eachtohter phewwww......

03-31-2012, 12:32 AM
Sweet kev seems like we're in this together at the moment!! I really it works for you!! Let's stay positive!!

I have Xanax 0.25mg which is a really low dose but I can always take 2 but usually one gets the job done

03-31-2012, 02:13 AM
Good luck guys,

If you do happen to be in a high anxiety mode, just the act of taking the meds can ramp it up. I had a friend who experienced a bad trip and subsequent anxiety and she couldn't take any kind of medication. Even Valium made her more anxious.

You need to give it time to get into your system and let it work.

Again, good luck. I hope the Paxil takes the edge off!!

03-31-2012, 03:50 AM
What do you mean a bad trip?? Like she did recreational drugs?? Or her medication in general was a bad trip?

03-31-2012, 06:26 AM
Recreational drugs. LSD to be specific. It led to a really bad anxiety episode with full blown panic attacks. She had this notion that any kind of medication would mess it up more.
She called out doctors to her house and couldn't even take the Valium they prescribed because taking ANY kind of medication made her anxious.

03-31-2012, 07:55 AM
I'm almost two weeks on Paxil right now. Hang in there, taking that first pill was one of the scariest things I've ever done. Take a Benzo if you need it, and remember that you likely won't feel much from the Paxil for a while. Good luck!

03-31-2012, 01:14 PM
Her anxiety started right after her bad trip? Or a weeks later?? I'm surprised Valium doesn't work for her! It must be really hard for her

03-31-2012, 06:59 PM
Jeremy, she has her first attack during the bad trip (after smoking weed) and then a few weeks later she experienced more and more of them until a month later, she was in a constant state of panic and fear. I believe the acid unearthed something in her psyche that she had to deal with.

Believe it or not, this all happened about 4 years ago. She took a week off work and worked through it. I helped her out because this was about 6 months after I went through my first experience with anxiety. It was probably one of the longest weeks of her life, but she was able to just get her shit together and get her life back after a couple of weeks. No medication, no Valium. She just decided she wasn't going to buy into the fear any more.

She is a very positive person and had no previous experience of depression, which probably helped, but after about another month she was completely back to normal. I use her as inspiration to get on with my life as quickly as possible when I get these anxiety glitches.

She's fine now :)