View Full Version : A week for me!

03-30-2012, 09:49 PM
Meant to say a bad week for me!!!

I recently was doing well until couple of days ago. Wasn't feeling too good from a stomach pain and felt a slight fever so I visited my doctor. My doctor felt it may be appendicitis and recommended more tests.

Fearing the worst, the next day I drove myself to the ER where they immediately took me in because of my high fever and the possibility of appendicitis. All the commotion caused an anxiety attack and my heart rate to increase. All night the ER spent trying to hydrate my body and bring my heart rate back to below 100, which they did. CT scan, ultra sound and blood work showed negative for appendicitis. So I went home the same night.

Now I'm feeling anxious, sleepy and developed headaches. Is there anyone out there that can relate??? I wanna hear your thoughts. Thank you.

03-31-2012, 03:46 PM
I get quite anxious when i am sick as well. What I would recommend is when you feel a panic attack coming on do some deep breathing. Just take a few minutes to take deep slow breathes. When a panic attack occurs all the symptoms you feel is because of the shallow breathes you take and the adrenaline flowing through your body. The one way to have full control of your panic attack, heart rate, and adrenaline is through your breathing. Just take 3 to four minutes when you feel a panic attack coming on to take deep slow breathes instead of the short quick breathes a panic attack normally pushes us to do and you will have full control of your panic and your heart rate.

04-01-2012, 08:59 PM
Thank you, I've been trying it and it is helping =)