View Full Version : Does this sound like anxiety?

03-30-2012, 09:28 PM
I feel like I need some re-assurance. I keep getting a burning sensation on my scalp which comes and goes throughout the day. Sometimes it feels like a jolt or a zap. I am also constantly paying closer attention to my skin colour in the mirror. I constantly feel flushed, and keep thinking that my skin looks more red or more tan then normal. My wife says that I "look fine". I keep worrying that I am going to drop dead at any moment. I am finding it difficult to concentrate on anything else. I can distract myself for a bit here and there, but then the physical sensations creep back. Furthermore...I have been getting pretty good sleep at night...but as soon as I get out of bed, I notice the burning, zaps and jolts in my head. Also getting numbness/tingling on my nose, elbows and knees. Thoughts?

04-02-2012, 05:24 AM
Anxiety can manifest in an almost unlimited amount of symptoms. If someone says they "keep worrying" about anything it can be categorized as anxiety. The very fact that you are giving these symptoms so much attention and energy is keeping them alive and keeping you on edge. I used to get a sharp jolt type feeling inside my head when I was anxious, the obvious thing for my anxiety to pick up on was that it was something serious, it wasnt, it was the anxiety. My advice would be to get yourself checked out by a doctor to cross anything medical off the list. Its important to remember that anxiety is just a program running in your mind, trying to keep you safe. Unfortunately it gets out of hand and feels like a bully. Like any bully, it thrives on attention. Reduce the amount of attention you give it and the anxiety will reduce as well. Do you think worrying about it will help? That is the absolute key to getting over anxiety, I can say that after 15years as an anxiety sufferer, having spent thousands on treatment, it is that beautifully simple. Bring awareness to the voice / thoughts in the head, that it is not who you are, its just a over sensitive program running and you dont need to listen to it anymore!!