View Full Version : Head aches

03-30-2012, 04:48 PM
For a few months I've been getting headaches around my right temple that hurts all the way behind my eye, sometimes my cheek, and my neck. I do have neck tension, but it really scares me. Does anyone else get this? How do your symptoms feel? I'm only 25 and I fear a stroke

03-30-2012, 08:12 PM
I been having this as well.. .. Scares me as well and skyrockets my anxiety! .. Scares me quite a lot....

03-31-2012, 02:46 AM
Hi cat, I know exactly what you are feeling. I've been feeling something similar to that on and off but on my left side. I've had numbness in my arms and felt week and tired. I've even had such a bad panic attack that I had ringing in my ears and darkness in one eye for a split second. My anxiety has increased in the last few months but I've been dealing with it on and off for a few years. After talking with a few doctors ive learned that they can be caused by anxiety. What I've found that is when you think about your headache and begin to worry/panic they get worse. Do you have that problem? This might sound silly but for the last week I've been saying "stop" aloud whenever I began giving in to negative, worrisome talk. I do this a few times until they are literally out of my mind. It's helped me a lot with battling negative thoughts and the ultimate what if questions. I've been headache free most of the week now and feeling a little more "normal" and like myself. I think im feeling better because im engaging in less negative talk that send me into a worrying frenzy! Now if I can only eliminate the feelings of numbness in my left arm!

03-31-2012, 06:37 AM
Being as anxious as you are, you are probably grinding your teeth in your sleep. I get horrible tension headaches from this.

Also cutting down (to quit) caffeine has induced moderate headaches. I am down to a medium coffee and a caffeinated soft drink every day (from lots and lots of caffeine) and this has left me with headaches behind my eyes and radiating along my jaw.

I hope you're feeling a bit better soon xxx

03-31-2012, 06:38 AM
Oh, I just have to add this. I'm 29 and still have my wisdom teeth and when they grow they really, really ache - which leads to similar headaches to what you are describing.