View Full Version : I need help please

01-08-2007, 04:13 PM
Hello, my names brodie, i believe i suffer from anxiety , and its ruining my life and im here to ask for help from anybody who can help. I always feel that whenever i walk, people are watching me like at school when i walk down the hallways, i feel like their watching me, and saying stuff about me, im always nervous to talk infront of people, and presenting projects etc.. im very shy, non talkative, infront of strangers, girls, and even friends. I always have ideas in my head to say to them but i never say it. My nervous system takes over, i have short breath, my muscles all tighten up, and i shake, i almost panic. I also walk different, when i walk when no ones around , im fine. When i walk when people are there , in my surroundings ,my walk goes all weird, my chest muscles get very tight, and my arms dont swing, and my back is straight up, i have no walk. After i hang with people, i get home and think about the stuff i should of never done when hanging with them, and blame myself, and wish i did other stuff instead. Im too sketchy to even talk on the phone. On texting, and msn and internet i can talk to people no problem at all, but in person im a wreck. I cant even continue my life for a future job cause all the jobs iwant involve customer service, and talking to people in general at times. I quit my part time job at fast food places cause its always talking to people and i suck at it. I have bad attendence in school cause i just dont wanna go in general cause of my anxiety. THerefore all of this leads, to i need help badly, and im desperate, i feel so down on myself all the time, and i need to change things starting soon. I want a girlfriend and a steady job and good grades, and be able to interact with people. Im a very good looking guy not to be cocky, i have a nice body with abs and pecs, i get told all the time im good looking and could get so many girls, but im just to anxiety to take advantage of that, the girls always call my shy and im scared of that now. If anyone could please help me , i would appreciate that soo much . Sincerly brodie!

01-09-2007, 03:27 AM
There is nothing wrong with feeling shy and/or anxious, ask for help from your GP with the anxiety and try not to worry to much about being shy. You'll get through this, the world can be a confusing place when your a teenager at the best of times but when you have an anxiety issue it's worse. Try and remember its a long life and things have a way of working out dont focus too much on your looks, the right girl will come along. Not every girl wants a cocky big mouth, some prefer the strong and silent type. Mysterious and all that jazz, try not to worry about not being too social that will come with time as you treat the anxiety. Fast food places are very stressful places for anxiety sufferers to work try a job doing something calmer. Thats about all I can think of for now, keep smiling and take one day at a time.

01-09-2007, 01:40 PM
Thanks for the motivation!! i liked it

01-09-2007, 01:56 PM
I used to get scared of being sick in front of people or being closed in like being on a train or a bus, I could not eat in a food place. Let alone work in one, I would of just crapped my self! But you should see your GP and just have a chat with him/her tell them how you feel.