View Full Version : what I've learned about humanity

03-30-2012, 01:55 PM
This is what I've learned about humanity during the course of my life. We all have a mean, cruel, horrible, nasty, unpleasant, repellent streak to our personalities. No matter how intelligent you are, no matter how nice you are, we all have it. Even me. I treat people as best I can, but I've done and said unpleasant things to people. It's not who I am, but unfortunately, there is an ape of pure instinct within all of us, and as primates, we have the unpleasant side to us. Some people are cruel all the time, and take pleasure in being cruel, you know, the dimwitted bullies who think they're something special. But we all have the nasty side to us, even though it comes out less in some than others. I've only been mean to people a few times in my life, and I treat them as best I can. People think of me as a nice guy, and I like to think that's what the real me is. However, when the ape within takes other, even the most intelligent, friendliest person on the planet can be unpleasant. It's an unfortunate fact, but it's a part of us all. We're animals, and though we often like to think we've surpassed instinct, really, we still rely on it more than we think, and it can make you do things you regret on hindsight.

Such an incident happened the other day. When I was still at school, there was a girl named Rachel. She was perfectly friendly and such, but people mocked her because she was immature. She was afraid of a picture of a wasp, scared of watching Doctor Who etc. Okay, so she's obviously been treated like a child her entire life and still acts like one, but why should we mock her for that. And yet that's what we all did. She left school a while before I did, and now I feel bad about talking about her the way I did. She was a nice person, and she was perfectly friendly to me and pretty much everyone else. Just a few days ago, I made fun of her again, without even thinking, and now, days later, I've finally realized how much of a bastard I was to her. Not to her face or anything, but still behind her back.

This unpleasant, primitive side of me doesn't come out often, and I regret it when it does, but it's a thing we can't control, and we all make mistakes. At least we still have the assurance that it isn't who we really are, unlike the horrid bullies who love being cruel and never ever regret it. So, that's my little musing about the human race. I just wanted to share it with you all, and I didn't really have anywhere else to post it. This site just felt like the right one for some reason.

03-30-2012, 02:00 PM
isn't that just an excuse for people to be nasty to people?

it's like me slapping my child, and then saying - "i'm really sorry, the ape came out in me" and expecting them to think of me as a nice person still

i don't get it...

03-30-2012, 03:22 PM
I'm not saying it should be used as an excuse for doing bad things anxiousmess, and in fact I think it's good to be apologize to people when such things happen. But look at the other apes. Chimpanzees can be just as cruel and violent as human beings, which leads me to believe that primates just have some viscous streak in them that causes them to be nasty. I hate it when that side of me comes out, unlike the cruel people in the world who take pleasure in being nasty. We're still animals, and whether we like it or not, it's there. I guess the trick is learning to control that side of yourself to prevent it from emerging. I may change my opinion on this later in life, but from what I've observed, the nasty streak still exists in all of us whether we hate it, like you and I do, or love it, like the bullies do.

03-30-2012, 04:02 PM
ah i see what you mean!!

i thought you were saying that it's ok to be nasty to people, just as long as you recognise and accept it as your inner ape

i see how it differs from the evil people out there, who seem to take great pleasure out of other peoples hurt!

03-31-2012, 03:25 AM
I'd never think it to be okay to be nasty to people, but this is just an observation I've made. I've noticed that even some of the friendliest people I've ever met have been unpleasant to people sometimes, so I just gathered the idea that there's some primitive thing inside all of us not representing our true selves, depending on the person anyway. Like I said before, it seems the evil people of the world love this side of themselves.