View Full Version : Feeling Mellow or Blah.. Wondering why

03-30-2012, 11:41 AM
The last time I felt this way was the week before my doctor's appointment. I feel really mellow.. I'm not in a great mood but I'm not in a bad or upset mood either.. It's just a blah kind of weird feeling. I don't know what is causing it or if nothing is causing it and I'm just having one of those kinds of days.. Yesterday I was really in a great mood and was that way all the way until I went to bed. But today, I woke up and I was still really sleepy..

It's just weird that some days I'm in this great mood, some days I feel really grouchy, and then days like today-- I feel blah, mellow, or nothing really.. I wish it made sense to me but just talking about it feels better..

03-30-2012, 12:51 PM
my anxiety/depression dictates my energy levels. some days i can wake up and i'm full of beans, other days i'm just like blahh.
there are also days where i'm full of beans for part of the day, and then drained for the rest