View Full Version : Question for Florida Residents about medicaid Doctors, prefferably Southwest FL.

03-29-2012, 07:56 PM

Hoping everyone is doing well. I'm a memeber, but am actually writing this time on behalf of a friend. She is having MAJOR issues with anxiety right now. Recently moved from California to Southwest Fl, and is on Medicaid. She had been on Xanax for years and now is on none. She just cant seem to get ANY help at all in regards to her major anxiety problem right now because of her insurance. Money is extremely tight, so out of pocket isnt feasable. She has gone to multiple Urgent Care facilities, being told each time they dont treat anxiety. She spoke with a local ER, they discussed admitting her to a 72 hour facility and going from there, but if she does that has been told social services would have to get involved as she has a 10 year old child, and she in no way wants to get involved with that.

She cant seem to find any local Dr's who take Medicaid, let alone in the mental health field. The one or two she has come across arent accepting patients.

She is in need of help. Does anyone have any ideas as to what to do? Any and all recomendations would be appreciated!!

Thank you