View Full Version : Restroom Anxiety

03-29-2012, 10:46 AM
Hi everyone. This is my first post after browsing around I couldn't find anyone with the same issues as myself. Hopefully I can still get so good info and help.

I am 30 years old, very recently married and over the past 2 years I have feared going to the public restroom.
I think this slowly started as I would use very small and crowded public restrooms. I would get up to the urinal and just would not be able to pee. No matter how bad I had to go to the bathroom. Then it slowly turned into sexual performance anxiety I think. As I have a fear of never finishing. I have talked to my wife about it a little and started seeing a doctor.

I have been through 3 types on meds and so far the first 2 helped me worry less but would really make it hard to perform sexually. It just took all and any sex drive away from me. It is making it really hard on my marriage. I have started to wonder if it is anxiety hurting me sexually now that I am thinking that or the actual drug.