View Full Version : grrr...

01-08-2007, 10:45 AM
this dizziness just wont go away and its accompanied by a slightly nauseous feeling....I went to a doctor got bloodwork done that came back normal, although it doesnt give me that much comfort, I feel like if it was something like cancer it wouldnt show up in a blood test. does anyone know if blood would come back normal if it was something like cancer...or would the blood test show that the body is fighting something?? I keep getting weird feelings in my head..tingles, spaced out, faintness...of course I worry about the brain tumor...but I asked the doctor about it and he said he didnt feel a cat scan was necessary, but im afraid of real physical symptoms being passed off as anxiety...this is so frustrating...i get this overwhelming feeling that I dont have much life left in me....im only 26 though!! the weirdest part is that im not really feeling that anxious but thesee physical symptoms just wont go away...anyone else have these feelings???

thanks for reading...


01-08-2007, 12:34 PM
Cancer can cause changes in your white blood cell levels amongst other things dependant upon the specific type and body area. But in reality if your doctor suspected cancer he would have sent you to a specialist. The chances are it is mearly an anxiety reaction this will only be aggravated by your fears regarding the orgin of your symptoms. It is very common with anxiety suffers to fear that they may have cancer/brain tumors etc. as the symptoms appear to mimick these illnesses. As we have no grounding how these illnesses actually present, we go on the net and track down illnesses which match one or more of our symptoms and assume that we are suffering with said affliction. Try to accept your doctors advice, you hear horror stories but most GP's are pretty good, certainly better informed on medical issues and see hundereds of cases like yours a year.


01-08-2007, 12:50 PM
hey Scott,

i also suffer a lot from diziness and head sensations, amongst other things. I went through a long period of worry about my symptoms, jumping to conclusions and 'catastrophising' (as my counsellor calls it) about having something terminal.

I've had that feeling that you mention that I'm not going to live long (I'm 27). I'd convince myself that subconsciously my mind knew I was dieing. Rubbish. It's completley irrational and a sure sign you're suffering from anxiety.

I'm getting over it. I have more good days than bad and I'm optimistic most of the time.

The key is that you have to accept that your symptoms are from anxiety. If you've been seen by a doctor and he has no reason for concern, you need to accept that. Maybe you don't have a good doctor that you trust. If so get a second opinion but then accept what they say. It's easy to think they're blaming everything on anxiety or have missed something but that's just your anxious mind looking for loopholes.

You say your not feeling that anxious but you must be to a degree to post here and to be frightened that your seriously ill, despite being reassured otherwies by a doctor.

It's the fear that's the problem. Stop being scared and gradually you'll get better. Easier said than done but if you just accept the dizziness etc and don't 'fight' it you'll stop feeding your sensitised nerves more and more adrenaline and you've broken the cycle. Things can only get better from there.

Read some good books about anxiety. Anything by Claire Weekes, or there's one called 'Overcoming Anxiety' by Helen Kennerley. You'll find you're reading about yourself.

Good luck and keep in touch.


01-08-2007, 12:55 PM
i guess i do feel anxious..but not in the butterflies in the stomach kind of way...i guess its more of a sense of dread, and constant worrying...the physical symptoms come and go during the day...they are much less prevalent when im occupied...the problem is ive got alot of time on my hands, im in beween moves and jobs so iv got nothing nut time to sit around and diagnose myself with every disease possible...anywyas thanks to bo both of you for your replies...I guess slowly but surely well all get over this...


01-08-2007, 01:20 PM
That is Definately Anxiety sounds like bad GAD, Dread, Symptoms which come and go coming esspecially when we are not distracted and obsessive thoughts about possible alternative diagnosis. These are all common symptoms you are not alone, I've had them all at one time or another. You may not have had panic attacks or other symptoms but you definatly have anxiety issues. See your doctor about getting a therapist and read some litarature on anxiety on line or go to your local library. Acceptance will make you feel better, it will relieve some of the fear. I hope you feel better soon.


01-08-2007, 01:29 PM
hey scott.

i get dizzy too and i feel light headed. i'm not sure what it's from. but you're not alone. i feel sick a lot too. i used tot hink it was becuase i didn't eat much, but i eat more and i still get it.

like "jitters" said above me, it is anxeity issues. it's not fun, but you aren't alone. people are here to help and give advice. :)


01-08-2007, 01:29 PM
yeah i have had panic attacks....but even sometimes if i think too much I can convince myself that maybe they werent panic attacks....maybe they were mini heart attacks, or a mini stroke....ridiculous I know...but thats the way my mind os working these days. Luckily it hasnt affected too many aspects of my life...I can still maintain a fairly normal social life...I havent alienated my friends. Its just when im bored sitting around the house that I start going crazy...then i pop a xanax and it seems to get better..I just dont like medicine very much...even if I know it will help me...Ive had several addictions that kind of scare me away from them...but sometimes its just too much...or if I know that Im gonna be in a situation where I cant afford to freak out...like an interview or something like that ill take one...the onl constant thing now is the dizziness....and some ear ringing...and muscle aches...which I try to just battle through but sometimes i s abit difficult...I used to be able to run a couple miles with no real problems..now I get about a half mile into a run and feel like my legs will fall off and my lungs will burst...part of this is because I have fallen a bit ou of shape...but mostly I think it has to do with th eanxoety...is that normal to not be able to exercise like you used to??

01-08-2007, 01:45 PM
Try to Reboot and Install an OS upgrade (phishn4842 1.2.) Think of the Drugs as antivirus and the coping stratagies taught in therapy as a firewall. I dont know what this forum would be maybe the helpdesk. But remember this is a difficult illness to accept and a hard virus to remove it's like spyware it creeps in when you are not looking and pops up when you least expect it.

Enough of the analogy, were here if you need us any questions problems, believe me you wont sound crazy weve been there.


01-08-2007, 04:16 PM
...is that normal to not be able to exercise like you used to??

I don't know for sure if it's anxiety related, but I can't use my exercise bike for long or my ankles swell and hurt. I believe I have arthritis, but I can't be sure since anxiety copies so many other things. Not to mention that constant worry of having a billion diseases. :tongue: I use to play sports and do lots of things. Now I am lucky to walk without hurting. heh.