View Full Version : Burning Sensation on scalp

03-28-2012, 06:56 PM
Hey everyone. I haven't been on this site for the past 6 weeks or so. Things were starting to go well for me, but major set backs have kicked in. I've had chronic stomach pain for the past 6 months (every medical test imagined has been performed and nothing has been found). But the even more annoying/concerning thing that has been happening lately, is that I have been having on and off burning sensation on the top of my head. Sometimes it's there for a few hours, then it goes away...sometimes there for 15 minutes, then goes away, etc. Anybody else dealing with this?

I have never taken any anti-depressents or any anxiety medication before, but starting to wonder if maybe I should just do it. My doctor prescribed me with Pristiq a few months ago, but I haven't tried it.

Burning sensation in scalp? Anybody else dealing with this? Any tips how to get rid of this?


03-28-2012, 06:59 PM
I should also mention that this burning sensation arises even when I am not consciously feeling worried or anxious. I could be watching tv, or eating dinner when it starts up suddenly.

03-28-2012, 07:16 PM
It's probably from tense muscles. Anxiety brings in so many aches and pains. It can get really frustrating. Try to relax as I'm sure it's just the anxiety.

03-28-2012, 09:37 PM
Yes!, for the past three years I been on an off with stomach problems.. anxiety sure can bring all those problems... with te burning sensation in the scalp yuppp!! Anxiety it is!! .. I'm dealing with burning sensation, pains etc as well in my head.. just try to relax.. Your fine.!!