View Full Version : hello everyone im new here

03-27-2012, 09:31 PM
I have decided to join a forum as i feel im alone, i have great support from husband and friends but would be nice to chat with someone who is going thru something similar. It started off as a migraine in Jan 2012 after that i had intense head pressure i got my self into a real state of panic and i talkd myself into a brain tumor. Had a ct scan for my own reassurance all was fine. I started to diganose myself with everything under the sun which all related to cancer. I suppose i have a mixture of hypercondrea (spelling) and ocd as i constantly checked my body for odd things. Head pressure dwindled down to nothing and then i got a a rash on my body did a blood test and wbc was slightly high no concern to the doctor but to me i now had lukemia! Had chat to doc and from then i was put on citlopram 20mg, i fought not to take meds geting hypnotherpy the works looking for a quick fix but no quick fix for anxiety....
im on my second week of meds and my head pressure is back on the top of my head and temples, have read alot that anxiety can do this but its hard as im still convinced somthing isnt right, i want to feel good but when i get symptom after symptom its hard to feel happy. i now get migraines once a month somtimes the aura without the sore head and am very paranoid of light. Does anyone else get head pressure? thankyou for taking the time to read this look forward to hearing from someone:)

03-27-2012, 09:47 PM
Hi ks! Welcome to the forum! I get head pressure fairly regularly, and I also suffer from migraines. The head pressure is very common for people who have anxiety. So is the light sensitivity. I can't leave the house without sunglasses on.

I know what it's like to think you are dying of some horrible disease. Don't worry - you will start to feel better soon. Have you tried meditation and breathing exercises? Those really help me. Also, it will take a while for your meds to kick in but once they do you will start to feel a lot better :)

03-27-2012, 10:01 PM
thanku for replying i no what u mean about the sun glasses i wont leave house either, i was at a friends today and didnt no where i put them ended up in a panic as didnt no how i was going to drive home without them anyways they were tucked down my top the whole time lol. Really hope the meds to kick in as every morn i wake up and feel panicky it suxs. Havnt tried mediation but will look into it have heard good things about it. just trying to find the time as i have two kids 3years and 2 years. thankyou again:D