View Full Version : cant sleep :,(

03-27-2012, 06:53 AM
hate it when my mind wont shut up so i can sleep :/

Ankur Bansal
03-27-2012, 11:26 AM
I don't know about level of chattering in your mind but one thing that really helps in sleeping is that just after i go to bad i start watching and counting my thoughts .

i get gaps of silence between thoughts when i count them and goes into sleep eventually.

03-27-2012, 12:03 PM
yeah, somebody mentioned that on here the other day - i cant remember who. i've tried it, and it seemed to work.
i started counting from 1 -100, but focused on each number.
my mind kept interrupting, but i brushed the thoughts away and concentrated on my counting.
i fell asleep - so it obviously worked

03-27-2012, 12:46 PM
I've had problems sleeping myself.. When I went in for my first visit for anxiety and depression, she told me to take melatonin. In the past, it worked for a while but eventually stopped.. (That was back when the highest dose was 5 mg).. When I told her that, she said that combined with the two med's she was prescribing that can cause drowsiness (Prozac and Ativan), Melatonin ought to work fine for me. When I went to buy it, I found some 10 mg and I bought that.. She was right!!! between the two med's she prescribed me, the melatonin, and some nightly rituals she made me start; I'm able to fall asleep without any trouble most nights. She did say that an hour before bed, I am not to use anything that's technology-- no tv, no radio, no texting, no anything.. read a book or draw or do something else that's relaxing. Then 30 minutes before I'm ready to sleep, take the melatonin.. By cutting out the technology, you're getting rid of things that stimulate your brain and keep it running..

03-27-2012, 05:32 PM
For sure you need to find some before bed ritual to do EVERY night.

03-28-2012, 06:41 AM
You definitely need to eliminate tv, computer and mobile phone before bed. And do not touch during the night even if you can't sleep. Also do not watch tv in bed ever.
I have had insomnia for so many years mostly relating to falling asleep, not so much staying asleep. I'm somewhat better since having kids but I still struggle to shut down and stop thinking. I am a very anxious person.
I'm not sure what you mean by chattering but I don't have voices in my head I just have thoughts, either things i'm worried about happening or taking me through what I need to do the next day for example. I find writing lists helps as I don't need to remember things.
Physical exercise is an obvious one to help with sleep also. Just don't do it too close to bed time.
And apparently hops, the stuff found in beer, helps insomnia. I saw it on that make your own drugs show. You stick it in a small pouch or pillow and place it in or under your normal pillow.

03-29-2012, 06:13 PM
Before going on psychiatric meds in 2000, it would often take me two hours after going to bed to actually get some sleep.

04-10-2012, 03:23 PM
im the same dude, i cant sleep. try not to go on twitter or facebook or anythin like that before sleeping (hard for me to say!). try to read a book and put your head down as soon as you get tired.
stay well! :P

-longliveswift xxx

04-13-2012, 09:50 AM
I have suffered with insomnia and anxiety for more then a year. I have tried meds and I just get addicted to them and then they stop working cuz I get ammune to them. I have gone through depression to the point of going to a mental hospital due to not sleeping for days. I cried each night cuz I couldn't sleep. I was afraid of nigh time just to think I was ganna have another sleepless night. I'm not fully cured but what working for me is being bussy all day. watching what I eat before bedtime and drinking a lot of teas taking a hotshower before bed. My mind wonders a lot and what I do I focus on something else like I picture myself in a forest. I try to picture the smell of the leaves the air flowing hearing the birds sing etc. Try that hope it helps.

04-22-2012, 10:27 PM
thanks everybody for all your help guys :)

06-03-2012, 09:47 AM
I have the same issue, my mind just races as soon as a hit the pillow. Normally this is just during the work week but it's still frustrating. I've tried the counting from 1-100. I count backwards from 100 which seems to help! I've been trying to get into a bed time ritual too. I hope you've found a way to get to sleep :)

06-03-2012, 11:20 AM
I know how you feel. I've been suffering from insomnia my whole life. I'm sorry that I can't help you, though. I take mess for sleep. Maybe talk to a psychiatrist to see if you can take medication for your sleeping problem.

06-03-2012, 04:35 PM
i suffer from this i actually have been up for nearly 48 hours feel like a zombie just aswell im off work, but its horrible im not too bad during the day but when it gets to night thats when the mind starts doing overtime no matter what i try think of happy thoughts doesnt work the horrible thought over powers it tried so many things just hope i find something soon as i cant handle this not sleeping especially when i am working the next day i gte bad paranoia which leads to a bad panic attack vicious circle

06-15-2012, 11:37 AM
Am John I have trouble sleeping to if u like add me on Facebook memes keightley John if ur on and can't sleep we gud chat bwt it