View Full Version : New Therapist - New Treatment

03-27-2012, 06:08 AM
First off I don’t have panic now but I have anxiety and all the symptoms to the point I am totally disabled and tortured 24/7 and hardly sleep or function.

My new therapist to told me to stop searching for tools to cure my anxiety. Throw away my anxiety books - get off the forums and live like I was normal. This scares the crap out of me - I feel like I have to find an answer and I need support people - she told me to stop NOW!

I am so confused in the past 5 years I have been to so many therapists and read dozens of books and they are all different. I am ready to find a bridge and jump

Please help !!

03-27-2012, 07:39 AM
Hi Razzle, hopefully that is a figurative bridge you're looking to jump from! :) I know what you mean, some days I feel hopeless too. But I've been way worse than I am now and I've been better, so logically I know there's hope. And there's hope for you too.
Have you looked into or tried group therapy? If you're looking to connect with ppl, that might help. You're def not alone.

03-27-2012, 12:59 PM
i am very much like you in the search!
i'm constantly searching and have been for a long time. more so recently!

i can see where they are coming from! i do think it might help.
i have been thinking about my searching today, and wondering whether this forum has actually made me worse.

i always think that my searching, and my need for answers to questions that seem to be unknown, are actually helping me.
when really, i think they are what is making me worse!

jessed told me to not feed the thoughts, just watch them and leave them alone.
when i have a thought, and i need to search about it - then i am feeding my thought.
so when i feel my anxiety worsen, i have probably brought it on myself.

i remember 1125(i think thats right) on here not so long ago, talking about her blood pressure machine - everybody told her to throw it away. she was hesitant as it eased her anxiety. but it brought on alot more anxiety. more frequent anxiety.

everytime we are searching for answers, we are basically using that BP machine!

03-27-2012, 01:31 PM
Think about limiting your visits to the forum. Maybe. COld turkey isn't the easiest option for you. Just Imo. Like, if you come every day about 15 times, start with only 10. I should probably take my own advice now that I think about it lol

03-27-2012, 05:25 PM
That is some interesting advice, not sure if i agree.

03-28-2012, 06:32 AM
Thanks Guys for your thoughts. I tend to be obsessive and figuring this out and feeling like if I don’t I wont ever get well sent me into an anxiety spin. Like the lady who checked her blood pressure for the moment it lowers anxiety then send the brain a danger message and it all get worse.....damn anxiety !!!

03-28-2012, 08:04 AM

My new therapist who is a 31 year anxiety expert told me to stop researching anxiety - stop reading books and get off the support forums. She said that the more you think about it the more the brain sees danger and crates anxiety

I can get obsessive in doing anxiety research at times

My appointment yesterday she told me it is like the law of attraction - what you focus on gets bigger

Any thoughts

03-28-2012, 12:15 PM
i know exactly what you mean about trying to figure this out with obsessive behaviour. i do the same thing.

how about keeping the forum...but only for support - on your stuff. you could maybe try ignoring everybody else's posts, and concentrate solely on yours. but keep yours positive, if you know what i mean.
for example. if you are worrying about your BP, do not search it, or talk about it on here.
but, talk about your experience with your therapist, and get further advice about things you are feeling anxiety over. just like what you have done with this :)

03-30-2012, 03:39 AM
I agree with the above noters, Razzle, but I just want to express that this forum has helped me no end with my own anxiety.

I know that it isn't solely the use of the forum, I have been persistent and really pushed myself this week, but personally it has helped me because I have the right attitude towards how to use it (I think).

I like to help and support other people and I like that I am able to receive helpful advice without having to go to the doctors every week and waste both of our time.

If I feel a flutter of anxiety, I hop on here and I see that not only am I not alone, i can appreciate I'm a lot better off than a number of people who use these forums - in terms of my symptoms and anxiety levels. I get reassurance from the people who have survived this and wisdom from people who are going through what I am now.

I hope you're feeling better soon