View Full Version : good days and bad days

03-27-2012, 02:50 AM
Well I must say, things have been getting better. Its been over a week since my last panic attack, and even better news, I sleep through the nite! :) Tonight was my first bad attack in quite awhile, I know what its from, I'm still grieving, and im having major trouble at work. Im a bartender in a.casino and mostly every1 in my dept is stabbing each other in the back. Its horrible. And now its affecting me at home. The old anxiety came blazing back tonite. I feel like im turning inside out. Any sudden movements and I feel like im going to shatter, I calm myself anf it flares back up. I can feel myself slipping away, after all my success, is it starting all over again? Is this even worth it? (sorry 4 the typos, pn my phone)

03-27-2012, 05:15 AM
It is worth it.

One slip up in almost a week is great progress!!

Don't let it wear you down. Keep on fighting because this attack will just make you stronger and better prepared for the next one.

You can and will get through this.