View Full Version : this blows.

lost little lamb
03-27-2012, 12:16 AM
Hey all! I am brand new to the forum so bare with me! :D

Well, I guess I will just jump right in...

I have been taking zoloft for over a year now, and I have nothing but good things to say about this medication. It has helped me with my ocd, anxiety, depression, mood swings, ect. Everything it was supposed to do it did, however, it has reached the end of the road, in other words I no longer have insurance. So for the past few weeks, I have been taking it less, a few days apart and what not, but this past week has been terrible. I have cried more in the past week than I have in the past 8 months, rushing, stressful thoughts have filled my brain, im down most days, work has been a bother, and so has school. I am letting stress and worry take over my life again and I dont know what to do, which has landed me here, looking for an answer...an answer to what, I dont know; maybe I am just looking to vent, or talk with people going through the same nonsense I am going through. My family helps, but they dont understand why I just cant stop feeling this way, and I dont blame them, it is hard to understand. I am mostly rambling, so I'll go ahead and ask some questions, reach out...

Any suggestions yall? With Zoloft out of my life, are there any alternatives? Something herbal? Does St. John's Wort really work? b6/b12? Omega 3? I've been reading so much but with all the conflicting information on the internet, I dont know what to believe. Will this mass feeling of CRAP go away once my body has realized the zoloft is gone? How do you cope with the anxiety? Does anyone else suffer from an OCD disorder? How do yall cope?

i dont want to fall back down in that pit...its been so nice in the sunshine.

03-27-2012, 05:52 AM
Lost, did you know zoloft in generic at Wal-mart costs like $4?(about $10 for 90 tabs) So is celexa and fluoxetine. Did you also know in most states Costco wil allow non members to use their pharmacy and an Rx of generic zolft for 90 tabs will cost about $22. My point is if you live in the US, this med is DIRT cheap in generic as most other ssri's(Prozac, Celexa and Paxil as well as Zoloft). PM me any time. Alankay

lost little lamb
03-27-2012, 11:05 AM
Alan Kay:

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me this information. I have always picked up my prescriptions from local drug stores, so i was completely unaware of the deals walmart and costco, ect has. and im still blown away that these prices are without insurance! i had previously been paying practically 20$ a month and that was with insurance!! You have really done something good by replying to me, thank you and all of my best wishes are with you!


03-27-2012, 05:23 PM
I hope i can get something like zoloft soon.

03-27-2012, 05:32 PM
Hi. I can identify. I refused Zoloft because I thought my doctor was trying to put me on antidepressants and I was like, why the hell would she do that when I'm only having panic attacks. It sounds like it has many effects and works really well. I've been taking Xanax as needed for 2 years.

I 100% understand you RE: family. They are supportive but no one fully understands and I feel so lonely. I'm so afraid to slip into a deep depression. Good luck with finding the Zoloft in Costco and Walmart. I'm sure they have it available.