View Full Version : Nightmares

03-26-2012, 05:55 PM
Lately iv been having nightmares and I wake up several times a night with anxiety and also have anxiety in my sleep, I know this because I use sleep talk recorder which captured me talking and I sounded distressed.
I no longer look forward to sleeping. My friend kindly let's me talk to her when the anxiety gets to much but I don't like waking her in the early hours.
Last night my nightmare was about a lump on my leg which make my skin come off and I bleed to death. The dream seemed so real to me like it was happening and I could feel what was going on.

So tonight I am in no hurry to drift off. It feels awful waking up and then feeling overwhelmed and then crying because it's disturbed you deeply.

03-27-2012, 10:03 AM
Try to find a soothing before bed ritual.