View Full Version : community treatment team...reassurance needed!!

03-26-2012, 01:13 PM
ive just been googling the community treatment team again and this is what i've got from it....

The Assertive Community Treatment Team is a community service for adults in the London Borough of Greenwich who have complex mental health needs. It provides service users with more support than general mental health services, seeing them up to seven times a week if necessary.

It aims to give support and treatment in the service user's own home to prevent admission to hospital and to ensure that they maintain contact with services.

bare in mind - my form doesn't say 'assertive' and i'm not in london, i'm in south tyneside!

i'm worrying though - do they think i'm completely bonkers? am i completely bonkers?
are they coming to my home to stop me being hospitalised?

when i went to the doctors and got the referral - my partner kind of took over the whole situation and made it out as if i had split personalities - which isn't the case at all!
he was trying to get out that he thinks i have ocd which makes me loop - but instead, made me sound like i had split personalities!
i'm really worried now!

am i really losing the plot but unaware of it?
i feel as though i am functioning ok, i see to my kids as normal, i do my daily stuff as normal. the only thing i really feel as though i'm battling is anxiety and possible ocd. other than that, i think i'm fine. but what if i'm wrong?

what if they think i'm incapable of looking after my kids???????????????/

03-27-2012, 02:41 AM
I agree with Kev,

This sounds like a great idea!! I wish try did something similar in Australia because the system here is pretty much screwed in terms of mental health - I'm lucky I have the Psychiatrist that do - He's a 3-6 month wait for new patients!!

It sounds like this team can really support you and set you up to be looked after properly. They'll listen to all of your concerns and take what you want and need into account. Just because you have mental health issues doesn't mean that they are permenent or that you are going bonkers.

If that was the case, myself along with pretty much every person I know would be labelled thus. We all have ups and downs. You're down right now, but this sounds like it could be a step UP in the right direction.

Good luck.

Let us know how you go!

03-27-2012, 05:00 AM
thanx guys! :)

just letting you know, i ended up majorly worrying about the CTT today again. i kept trying to remember what you said, kev. only the thoughts got the better of me, and i focused on them.
in the end, i rang them! i explained i was an anxious mess over the whole thing, thinking they were going to take me away lol...she reassured me that, that wasn't the case. they don't do things like that. they're coming to my house because i'm agoraphobic, and they're going to help with my anxiety and support me.

i feel a bit better now!

03-27-2012, 05:01 AM
i think you're right. it will be a step up in the right direction.
i can't get any further down i don't think ..so the only way now is up