View Full Version : neck tension

03-26-2012, 12:37 PM
why does neck tension cause dizziness? fair enough i know it does by reading what people are saying but why does it? also i get pain in side of face / side of head and it feels kind of tight / tense , is this due to a clenched jaw or is this due to the sore neck? thanks

03-26-2012, 02:20 PM
I am dealing with bad neck/jaw/side of face pain right now. It stinks. I don't have dizziness but the pain is due to tight muscles. You have muscles in your face all the way up the sides by your temples, jaw, even up to your scalp. I press my tongue up to the roof of my mouth when I'm anxious so my tongue feels tired too. I logically know what it is but it freaks me out and makes me worried it's something horrible like a disease. Ugh. The neck/jaw pain is new to me but the anxiety isn't. I'm over it!!

03-26-2012, 02:43 PM
No anxiety makes u dizzy and also the neck stiffness, tensions. Dealing with this about 8months, hate it! It feels like neck couses it, but did x-ray and MRi nothing that can do those symptoms. It's just the symtoms that come one after the another one. I'am not alone with those symptoms, and nor you. If u want PM me.

03-26-2012, 03:08 PM
I'm the same way. I find that going for massage helps ease the symptoms of the neck tension. I agree with alotofants, I think it's the anxiety causing the diziness and not the jaw/neck pain causing it, although I could be wrong. When your concentrating on the pain in your jaw/neck it causes your anxiety to go up and then causes the dizziness? Maybe?

03-26-2012, 03:16 PM
Lady, yes i'm afraid that neck can couse it, it hurts, tensions'n'another stuff, that makes anxious so yes.. I think this is the best explanations, becouse neck, cannot make it, already said got and MRi, BUT STILL THOSE TENSIONS Scares me, and makes me more anxious...

03-27-2012, 11:49 AM
aw so what is it that causes the dizziness/ feeling spacey? i always just assumed that the neck tension/ headaches had something to do with it ,really just because i get both symptoms at the same time. pain in the ass