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  1. Need To Swollow TO Breath!
  2. How long does your attack(s) last
  3. HELP! Chicken and Egg Question: Insomnia and Anxiety
  4. Paxil
  5. self help hope
  6. Do headaches bring on anxiety??
  7. Panic Attacks and always vomiting
  8. Seeking Medicine Suggestions
  9. Anxiety in a high stress job/career
  10. Question Regarding My Therapist
  11. Weird sensations..
  12. Foot Numbness
  13. Anxiety back after 4 weeks on meds...pls help!?
  14. Heart Problems?
  15. Could there be anyting else wrong with me?
  16. High stress levels
  17. you know that butterfly feeling that doesn't go away!?
  18. Talking about things makes me feel better...
  19. Pains in the head
  20. After 15 years of acute anxiety ive found the cure
  21. irrational thoughts etc
  22. intrusive thoughts
  23. I need help.
  24. My Problems Just Will Not Go away
  25. Social Anxiety at work
  26. Please help me, i dont know whats going on..
  27. Feeling sick all the time, help..?
  28. Dreaming...every night, all night....
  29. back pain and anxiety
  30. From happy and healthy to sad and nervous to the police.
  31. Just dont know what to do!!!
  32. Chest Pains and Anxiety
  33. Help/Advice to people suffering from headaches/migranes
  34. I don't know what to do, any advice would be helpful.
  35. help diagnose my problem
  36. Im back, sorry for those who were wondering.
  37. Anyone here from Melbourne, Australia ?
  38. Conditioned to Anxiety?
  39. A little annoyed.
  40. Muscle Pains
  41. terrified!!
  43. The cause of Anxiety! And how to overcome it!
  44. Is this anxiety?
  45. scared=[
  46. Posting for member Paul
  47. what the meaning behind a 'safe person'
  48. Is there a discussin group for personality disorders?
  49. The Litany Against Fear
  50. feels like im in a movie?
  51. just a few questions
  52. Thankful for this forum
  53. Could it be a brain tumor?
  54. Question about sleep and anxiety
  55. my ears
  56. Fear of Impending Doom, Anxiety
  57. Can you have anxiety and not know it?
  58. Does talking via the Anxiety Forum actually help or hinder?
  59. idk.
  60. Losing another job
  62. New Member :D sharing story more or less...
  63. Protection and saving ones self
  64. HELP!!
  65. MY STORY
  66. feel like im dreaming
  68. Do I suffer anxiety can u help
  69. how to stop intrusive thoughts?
  70. COping in high school?
  71. Ativan
  72. Thanks and Sorry
  73. Neurologist vs Psychiatrist
  74. Poll: Do you smoke (cigarettes)?
  75. wondering if any one else gets these symptoms.
  76. Panic all day!
  77. Diagnosed anxiety.
  78. Something I read the other day
  79. Infertility
  80. This one put me over the edge..I need your thoughts!
  81. One Side of the Body
  82. fear of fainting?
  83. who here suffers these symptoms
  84. Does anyone else have this?
  85. please read, in need of advice
  86. I have found a really helpful book
  87. Anybody tried a Low GI Diet?
  88. Not sure if it's panic or what
  89. How can I put my life back into place?
  90. School
  91. Could this be anxiety???
  92. Any insights for this problem?
  93. Why do I keep thinking about life after death?
  94. Ive some questions
  95. Tryptophan and stomach problems
  96. Its 3am...again...
  97. i have not had an attack today because
  98. What to do about my brother?
  99. do i have a brain tumor? or is this just anxiety?
  100. someone please help.
  101. How severe is some peoples pain with anxiety?
  102. problems with paranoia
  103. ughh pissed.
  104. i need help..
  105. First Post seperation anxiety
  106. Lightheaded Jolt HELP PLEASE!1
  107. anyways..
  108. going abroad..having panic attacks
  109. Is this an anxiety disorder?? :|
  110. does anyone else have this?
  111. Pressure
  112. PleaseRead My MUM NEEDS HELP
  113. Found a Drug that works for me
  114. can anxiety do this?
  115. Not giving up
  116. help with new methods
  117. I Feel like hell today
  118. Im having a breakdown right now help!
  119. Help me please.. I'm hopeless..
  120. could this be a tumor?
  121. went to doctor
  122. help im having a bad panic attack.
  123. Just hit anxiety rock bottom - school soon - what to do?
  124. Anxiety over sickness
  125. adrenal exhaustion
  126. help!!!!!!!!!
  127. Im sorry, but i really need to vent.
  128. Does anyone have hypersensitivity (skin and hair "hurts
  129. Irrational thoughts, Anxiety, Worried!
  130. My therapist is trying to rip me off
  131. It never seems to stop...I'm overwhelmed
  132. the worse symptoms?
  133. Back to anxiety!
  134. Severe anxiety about moving
  135. anyone?
  136. Mornings
  137. anxiety at work
  138. Heavy Feeling.
  139. have you tried
  140. Anxiety & Phobia workbook
  141. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  142. question thanks.
  143. Please help: Tight chest and fast heart beat
  144. New here and falling apart
  145. Barium x ray
  146. What the heck?
  147. helllllpppp
  148. nervous about my antibotic for sinus infection
  149. weakness in arms?
  151. Looking for a volunteer as part of my course
  152. who here has...
  153. how distinguish anxiety from heart pain?
  154. FEAR, living in it.
  155. fasting for anxiety?
  156. Diazepam/valium
  157. Help Define Normality ?Newbie!!
  158. Anxiety and Fainting
  159. Newbie with problems
  160. persistent symptoms, causes of panic attacks?
  161. Bad, bad, bad night - please tell me I'm not going insane
  162. anyone?
  163. Just Been Diagnosed Anxiety-Taking Endep-Please Help!
  164. Need help! I don't know what this is...
  165. loosing my job!
  166. I feel sick...
  167. my story, hope it inspires some.
  168. Is it anxiety?
  169. !!!anxious anxious anxious!!!
  170. does anyone experience this? Im scared.
  171. Please Help this newbie!!!
  172. helppp
  173. I've finally found the reason of my anxiety!
  174. Visible pulse in stomach????
  175. I need some help
  176. A week later...
  177. seroquel
  178. Phone psychotherapy
  179. Panic/Anxiety/Fear and the Inner Ear
  180. GAD or Bipolar??? What to make of this
  181. Nutrition and Anxiety - how to help yourself with food :)
  182. Anxiety and Hypoglycemia - how to combat it successfully :)
  183. Night terror
  184. Has this happened to anyone else??
  185. Hadron collider has me terrified, help!
  186. buspirone
  187. Help Me please.. I think im dying.
  188. Anxiety Disorder (Is it?)
  189. citalopram side effects
  190. Looking for people who have tried online counselling
  191. herbs/natural help
  192. yoga is great
  193. Fear of dying and going crazy
  194. Anxiety or something else?
  195. hypnotherapy
  196. Up and down and up again
  197. Interesting symptom...reassurance anyone?
  198. At Last a Life - Book
  199. Here we go again !
  200. "Promoting" rational thoughts
  201. should I move on to medication?
  202. sleeping problems
  203. yoga
  204. fatigue
  205. school..
  206. anxiety and ginseng
  207. Heart Palpitations???
  208. extreme worrying
  210. Does anyone know a good MED to take for generalized anxiety
  211. please tell im not going to..
  212. vitamin B with anxiety
  213. driving fears
  214. my story, so far
  215. anxiety/panic attack relax techniques
  217. I am afraid. What would you do in my situation?
  219. I wish I would have found this sooner....you heard of this?
  220. What? Me going crazy? Nahh!!!
  221. Anxiety ruining your relationship??
  222. Buspar and Zoloft?
  223. Just venting....
  224. 2am now...ne 1 here?
  225. We can help each other.....
  226. A Wonderful Resource!
  227. Is It Stress Or An Anxiety Attack?
  228. Trouble eating?
  229. Is this anxiety? Please Help.
  231. Is this normal?
  232. can someone relate 2 this..i badly need an answer
  233. Thank you !
  234. Help with my Anxiety..
  235. Anxiety and Insomnia
  236. peace of mind
  237. Newbie, Klonopin
  238. HELP!!!!
  239. Valerian and GABA
  240. ...
  241. caffeine and your mental health
  242. Operation - worried about increased anxiety
  243. Hypnotherapy (revisited)
  244. the joys of work
  245. HELP is this anxiety
  246. i don't know what to do.. advice please?
  247. Muscle twitching/Pulsating diving me crazy!!
  248. Blood pressure
  249. Apologies!...
  250. Derealization, but not quite :S can anyone relate?