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  1. Lexapro and just some alchohol very little and a red bull
  2. Anxiety and work
  3. testing testing
  4. Ibs, headache, nausea, sweats
  5. Newly single
  6. Does anyone else have these vision problems with their anxiety ?
  7. To Trinidiva.....
  8. Difference between sadness and depression?
  9. Eye problems
  10. Why why why
  11. Enough with the b*tching - Going back to step one.
  12. Good grief.......
  13. Twitching??
  14. Wowzzzzers
  15. Why do i get blurry vision?
  16. Dont know why i do this to myself
  17. Does anxiety make you sleepy?
  18. Is this dp/dr?
  19. After anxiety
  20. Am I the only weird one??
  21. Anxiety and Cancer Sticks
  22. Help me get through my child is sick
  23. Has someone experienced this before?
  24. CBT Refresher
  25. Work anxiety/coping mechanisms
  26. A little help from my friends.....
  27. Heart
  28. CBT and meditation app
  29. Curious
  30. Need advice/help asap
  31. Doing well..
  32. Medication question
  33. Broken foot or anxiety? :P
  34. potential 'boy who cried wolf' situation???
  35. Anxiety whilst driving
  36. Genetic Testing
  37. Just a quick question
  38. DR gets worse at school?
  39. Dizzy spells
  40. Sturggling to make if through
  41. more medical related post that anxiety. just a warning
  42. Clicking, Popping and Rushing in my Earss :(
  43. Oil Pulling; have you done it or heard of it?
  44. Enough is Enough
  45. Im having a really tough time today
  46. Sharp pains
  47. Weird..
  48. Time change
  49. It's never one bad day, it's always two....
  50. Teeth chatter
  51. Update :)
  52. Just Mad!!!!!
  53. Good weeks/bad weeks?
  54. New Steps
  55. POSITIVE tips and tricks, quotes. let's do it.
  56. How to forget these people and stop the obsessive thoughts?
  57. Panic Attacks Cant Breathe Need Meds PLS Help ( THIS POST IS LONG BUT PLS READ)
  58. Had my best day so far
  59. Struggling...
  60. Manipulation???
  61. Hi! I'm new. Need your guys help :)
  62. Depression/anxiety tattoo
  63. Horrible dream, set me up for a crappy day
  64. Good Story on Panic Attacks and Meditation
  65. Insight needed please from those who suffer from anxiety
  66. I would like to get this thing outta my chest
  67. New day
  68. How has anxiety changed you?
  69. Exposure therapy!
  70. Gad
  71. What is it about holidays that's so stressful when you have anxiety ?
  72. Urrggghhh ere it goes again!
  73. Fed up..
  74. Heart palps - No sleep :(
  75. Suicide
  76. SERTRALINE reviews please!!!!!!
  77. Tilt test
  78. Audio tracks?
  79. WHEN u vomit does it take all your ssri out ya system
  80. HEALTH ANXIETY EXPOSED - Living With Risk
  81. Smoking cigarettes causes panic attacks
  82. interview
  83. Disease, heart attack or just anxiety? Really scared
  84. Anxiety...
  85. I feel really alone and down right now.
  86. Teaching
  87. Re: New here and really need some help. I'm just broken.
  88. Need advice how to deal with health anxiety?
  89. Where to begin!!!
  90. similar symptoms?
  91. I know I'm crazy.
  92. Setback
  93. Benzos
  94. Finding life hard :(
  95. Take part in my illustration project
  96. OK Gang. I need all of your thumbs up for me Tomorrow!!!
  97. 10% happier
  98. docs tommorow
  99. Feeling..
  100. I dread goodbyes
  101. Worry worry worry
  102. Has this ever happened to you?
  103. Obsessive thoughts and meds?
  104. Quick, probably stupid question
  105. Book
  106. Disturbing thoughts
  107. Good idea, or no?
  108. Worrying
  109. Weaning off citalopram and my eyes and head are hurting
  110. Decent day that started in the dumper.
  111. Anxiety
  112. facebook illustration
  113. Major setback. Could use some help.
  114. Self help books?
  115. Any Advice or Help...Feeling Hopeless
  116. People who are afraid of meds..
  117. Hi...
  118. Just need advice i admit been trolling for a minute
  119. Am I Hyperventilating? Worse on hot or muggy days- how to stop?
  120. What do you get paranoid about during panic attacks.
  121. Need advice
  122. The thoughts that fuell my anxiety
  123. Derealization/Depersonalization - finally controlled!
  124. neuralgia or sinuses?
  125. malaysian airlines stressing me out
  126. My vision hasn't improved. I'd love some advice.
  127. Trouble swallowing - options exhausted - could this be from my anxiety?
  128. Sad, immature.. i don't know
  129. this is going to last forever
  130. deliberately hurting myself
  131. freaking out!!!
  132. Important! Effexor recall....
  133. relationship advice please
  134. What can calm you when nothing seems to help?
  135. Anyone else?
  136. Question to the girls on here
  137. Anxious and depressed
  138. Bigeminy during Panic attacks
  139. Tired of all this sh*t...
  140. Piercing pain in left breast
  141. Hello! I'm back :)
  142. cls1033
  143. Low lymph% on blood work
  144. My Emotions Seem All Weird After I Spent A Few Days Worrying?
  145. Concussed
  146. Need some advice!!
  147. Happy!!!
  148. Muscle Fatigue: Does Anyone Else Have This? How Do You Treat It?!
  149. pain is getting more prominent again!
  150. Arm!?!
  151. Me or meds?
  152. Prednisone: seriously messing me up!
  153. #### Guys only please some help
  154. So so so confused right now - Should I take meds?
  155. Dizzy, like things are moving
  156. Just how long does it take for Zoloft to kick in?
  157. I cant shake this feeling
  158. Light at the end of the tunnel.....
  159. Daily symptoms!
  160. I'm coward but don't want to
  161. Effexor question
  162. Derealization and Klonopin!
  163. Being out of your comfort zone = triggers
  164. Root and trigger to your anxiety
  165. Is this combination ok?
  166. Quick Question
  167. Problems!
  168. :( please don't read if you are a hypochondriac,
  169. I cant concentrate..
  170. answers!!!!!!!!!
  171. Cipralex?
  172. Dealing with this as a parent
  173. Heart palpitations
  174. Major anxiety before work. PLEASE HELP!!
  175. Camomile tea question..
  176. Humming without knowing it
  177. Will sertraline and therapy help
  178. Do you think parts of our brain that make us anxious ever get tired of it?
  179. Eye problem
  180. Eye Tricks !
  181. Physical Symtpoms
  182. what'sthe point .....
  183. What triggers your anxiety?
  184. Ugh another symptom... :(
  185. here i am yet again!
  186. Hope I am Making Progress
  187. Mouth palete numb and cold
  188. Anxiety is taking over my life!!
  189. omg!!
  190. Benzo, take as subcribed and long term safe?
  191. being supportive with anxiety
  192. PLEASE HELP, now more than ever
  193. Scared to go to graduation ceremony, help!
  194. Melatonin friends..
  195. Personal life story??? Anyone??
  196. Yawning
  197. Just trying to figure this out
  198. I feel so proud of my self
  199. Really struggling
  200. I need someone to tell me it's going to be okay..
  201. Is this from the anxiety?
  202. Medication
  203. a little help?
  204. Question that im sure you guys can help with
  205. A little advice please?
  206. help me anyone..
  207. Anxiety attacks
  208. So have you had a panic attack free day today?
  209. urgh
  210. Things have gotten weird and now I'm stressed again...
  211. Miracle in my Life!!""
  212. Hey Gang!!! Wow!!Double Tripple Those Thumbs Up For Me Friends!!
  213. Please read before firing shots
  214. Has anyone tried the Charles Lindon method?
  215. Progress!!!!!!! :)
  216. Anxiety help
  217. Advice
  218. Confusion?!
  219. Full moon last night
  220. Ms advice!
  221. Acceptance Commitment Therapy
  222. Quick question quick answer please..
  223. breathing
  224. Urrgghh
  225. Ugggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
  226. daily chest aches and pains just driving me mad!!
  227. In need of advice
  228. :(
  229. Here we go. New symptoms.. - Heart palps + dizziness + fever?
  230. How????
  231. I'm Getting My Own Apartment!
  232. Feeling super tired
  233. Should i be worried
  234. I ran out of my .5mg lorazepam, need advice
  235. Update?
  236. S.O. of anxiety sufferer -- unsure of how to handle this situation
  237. Another probably stupid question...
  238. new! just now!
  239. Scared
  240. Propanolol?
  241. It's my birthday and I'm not inviting anxiety to the party!
  242. Celexa, St. john's wort after effects...
  243. Want to go out - but got no one to go with!!
  244. Is it normal to have anxiety symptoms even when you are feeling better?
  245. Symptoms highten when hungry
  246. Having a really hard time right now
  247. I just want to end it all.
  248. Another question....
  249. I'm struggling with College due to Anxiety!!!
  250. please read